November 1, 1777 - Landfall and Lingering Shadows


Location: 29.0000° N, 95.0000° W

Weather: Dawn ushers in a day of bright skies, the sun a herald of new beginnings, its rays illuminating the shores that beckon us forth.

Today marks the culmination of our journey aboard the Heureux, as the silhouette of land takes form on the horizon, a sight for weary eyes and a balm for restless spirits. The crew, a blend of anticipation and anxious energy, moves with a purpose sharpened by the sight of our destination. The Baron, his gaze fixed on the approaching shore, stands as a figure of resolve and reflection, the weight of our mission etched in the lines of his face.

In this moment of triumph, my thoughts are inescapably drawn to Alaric, his presence beside me a constant as we prepare to step into a world reshaped by the ideals we carry. Our final hours aboard the Heureux are a tapestry of shared silences and unspoken understandings, each moment laden with the gravity of impending farewells.

As the ship makes port, the cacophony of arrival fills the air, a symphony of sounds heralding the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Amidst the flurry of disembarkation, my interactions with the crew and with Alaric are tinged with a bittersweet poignancy, a recognition of the bonds forged in the crucible of our shared voyage.

Tonight, as I retire to the cabin for the last time, the space that has been ‘ours’ for the duration of our journey feels both familiar and foreign, a room filled with the ghosts of conversations past and the echoes of laughter shared. Holding Alaric, I am acutely aware of the preciousness of these final moments, each breath a treasure, each heartbeat a reminder of the inevitable goodbye that looms with the dawn.
As I close this entry, the sensation of Alaric’s breath against my skin, the gentle rhythm of his slumber, becomes a sanctuary in the storm of my emotions. Holding him, I seek to etch into memory the feel of his embrace, the warmth of his presence, a solace against the solitude that awaits. Tonight, it is his nearness that carries me toward sleep, a fleeting comfort in the face of the farewells that morning will bring.

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