2020 October 12 - New York City, USA

Artistic creation


The autumn leaves signal a change in New York, a natural progression that mirrors the city’s own capacity for transformation. In the ebb and flow of its societal tides, I sense the undercurrent of historical repetition – the cyclical conservatism that ebbs only to give way to the waves of progressive thought.

In these moments of contemplation, the cityscape becomes a metaphor for the human condition – resilient, ever-changing, and unyielding in its pursuit of evolution. The streets, lined with the echoes of protests and the silent vigils of hope, speak to a populace that is as diverse in thought as it is in appearance.

I find myself at the epicenter of this tumult, Times Square, where the bright lights cannot fully dispel the shadows of division. Yet, it is here, amidst the cacophony of competing ideologies and the relentless churn of media, that I also find a renewed sense of optimism. The voices of change are loud, their messages clear and punctuated by the determination to forge a path toward inclusivity and understanding.

My reflections are tinged with the wisdom of those I have encountered, like Bidgood, whose unwavering belief in the power of progress resonates with the heartbeat of the city. There is a beauty in this chaos, a rhythm to the madness that suggests the dawn of unprecedented progress is on the horizon, just as it has always been throughout history.

As the city readies itself for the night, I stand amidst the throngs of humanity and realize that New York, in all its complexity, is a testament to the relentless human endeavor to reach for something greater. And in this realization, I find hope that the pendulum will swing once more toward a brighter, more inclusive future.

2020 Portrait by James Bidgood 2.png
2020 Portrait by James Bidgood 3.png
2020 Portrait by James Bidgood 4.png
2020 Portrait by James Bidgood.png
2020 James Bidgood

Related Location
New York City, New York
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