1500 May 15 – Florence, Italy


Diary, remember that paint fight with Emilio Bianchi on May 15th? It was legendary! We were in this fresco workshop in Florence, right? Emilio's there, all pomp and swagger, showing off his fresco skills like he's the next Michelangelo. And there's me, just looking to have some fun and maybe learn a trick or two.

Things start off all civilized – we're painting, chatting, the usual artist banter. But then, oh then, Emilio makes some crack about my painting technique. Me, being me, I can't let that slide. So, I flick a bit of paint his way – just a little splatter for laughs, you know?

Well, Emilio, he doesn't take too kindly to that. Next thing I know, he's lobbing a dollop of paint right back at me. It's on! We're tossing paint like it's a food fight, and the workshop is turning into a battlefield of colors. It's a riot – paint flying, artists laughing, and a whole lot of creative chaos.

We're covered head to toe in paint, and I mean everywhere. I'm finding splashes of color in places I didn't even know could get painted. The workshop's a mess, but it's the best kind of mess. Everyone's cracking up, and even Emilio can't help but join in the laughter.

As the dust settles, and we're standing there, looking like walking rainbows, Emilio and I share this look. It's a mix of 'What just happened?' and 'That was awesome.' We end the day with a handshake, the paint making it more of a squishy slap.

Related Location
Florence, Italy
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