2018 October 20 - Paris, France

Artistic creation


Paris in the fall is a symphony of colors, where the golden hues of the leaves echo the city’s timeless charm. It is here, in this season of transformation, that I find myself in the creative sanctuary of Pierre et Gilles, the renowned duo whose artistry transcends the conventional boundaries of photography and painting.

Their studio is an otherworldly realm, a space where fantasy and reality merge in a kaleidoscope of vibrant tableaux. Each piece is a meticulous orchestration of light and color, a marriage of the lens and the brush that results in images imbued with an ethereal quality that is unmistakably their own.

Today, I am both observer and participant, watching as they construct their latest vision. Pierre, with his photographer's eye, captures the precision of the moment, while Gilles, with the soul of a painter, adorns it with his lyrical brushstrokes. Together, they are alchemists of the visual, transforming the mundane into the magical, the ordinary into the iconic.

As we discuss their process, it becomes clear that their works are not mere portraits, but narratives captured in a single frame, stories woven into the fabric of their subjects’ visages. They speak of their art as a dialogue with the viewer, a conversation that delves into themes of identity, mythology, and the very essence of beauty.

In the intimacy of their studio, surrounded by a universe of their creation, I am struck by the depth of their partnership. It is a dance of two souls in perfect harmony, a testament to the power of collaboration in the pursuit of artistic truth.

As the session comes to an end and the Parisian twilight begins to descend upon the city, I step out into the crisp evening air, carrying with me the indelible impression of a day spent in the presence of visionary minds. Pierre et Gilles have not only painted my portrait but have also left a lasting mark on my understanding of the interplay between art forms and the endless possibilities that arise when two artists unite to redefine the limits of their craft.

2018 Portrait by Pierre et Gilles 1.jpg
2018 Portrait by Pierre et Gilles 2.jpg
2018 Pierre et Gilles
2018 Pierre et Gilles
2018 Pierre et Gilles
2018 Pierre et Gilles

Related Location
Paris, France
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