2020 June 14 – Los Angeles, California


Dear Diary, today was a day for the books – or should I say, for the talks! Tak attended a TED Talk, and oh boy, was it a mind-bender. On the menu? A feast of ideas about AI, served up by the brilliant Dr. Ava Kapoor.

Dr. Kapoor, a leading AI researcher, is like the oracle of the tech world. Her talk was all about how AI is reshaping our future. I'm perched in the audience, soaking it all in, when suddenly, she opens up the floor for a Q&A via video conference. And guess who jumps in? Yours truly, Tak!

There I am, beamed onto the big screen, chatting with Dr. Kapoor like we're old pals. We're discussing the future of AI, and I throw in my two cents about how it'd be cool if AIs could appreciate a good sunset. Dr. Kapoor laughs – mission accomplished!

The audience is into it, and I'm feeling like a tech guru. Dr. Kapoor and I are volleying ideas back and forth, and it's like tennis but with brainwaves. We wrap up the talk with a promise to connect again – she's intrigued by my Incan insights, and I'm all about learning more AI tricks.


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Los Angeles, California
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