The members of the government

Welcome to the Empire of the Covenant! In this federal empire, tensions are increasing between the Light and Dark political factions. Light Lady Annabelle is the target of the Leader of the Dark faction and in order to gain allies to protect her, she starts Courtship Rituals to make suitors compete for her hand—but then the Dark Lord joins in. Come read about Annabelle's Courtship and her world!
Introduction to the story | Lady Annabelle Alyssenne | The imperial nobility | Novel upcoming

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They are the members of the imperial government and their allies. Most of them are commoners, with the exception of their leader who are traditionally members of the noble House of Cracinesse.   They stand apart from the Light and Dark political factions and instead aim to increase the power of the government against that of the Estates.    

The House of Cracinesse

The House of Cracinesse rules a small estate in the top north-east of the empire, at the border of the Orage Mountains region. They position of leader of the imperial government is traditionally handed down in their family despite the official organisation of empire-wide elections to fill in the post.   After the fall of House Arianie and the start of the modern-day Light and Dark political factions, the Cracinesses have tried to present themselves as a neutral ground in order to increase their own influence. In more recent times, they seem to be more align with the Light political of the Lord-Consul Xénophène Ylucianie.   See Other Estates.
Estates of Veinianie and Cracinesse by AmélieIS with wonderdraft
Lord-Consul Gervaise Cracinesse
The leader of the government and one of the two lord-consul that leads the senate.   He is generally thought by Light mages to be a stern but fair individual, and they respect him. Dark mages, however, only feel scorn for him.   His son Pérégrine fled from him as a teenager and sook Shelter in the enemy House of Lyrienne before eventually being adopted into it. Contrary to what happened to Lord Blissenne and his son Cyril, this did not make Lord Cracinesse lose the respect of his allies, nor did it convince them that he was a sadistic monster who abuse his children.
Age: unknown; Skin: dark; Eyes: dark grey; Hair: perfectly clean-shaven and his long hair is usually neatly tied at his neck; Appearance: stern and intimidating; Politics: pro-government; Line-gift: unknown; Power level: high nobility.

Other characters

The kidnapper
The person who kidnapped Lady Annabelle Alyssenne after the death of her parent when she was one year old and who brought her to an orphanage in Arianie. Their identity is unknown.  
François is a member of the government and the man who attacked Lady Annabelle Alyssenne when she was living in an orphanage in Arianie, an event that prompted her discovery of her identity and her return to the Estate of Alyssenne.  
Scion Filénie
A younger son from the House of Filénie, a minor noble family allied with the government. François wanted to force Annabelle to marry him so that the government could gain control over the House and Estate of Alyssenne.

Cover image: Annabelle Alyssenne and Véridice Lyrienne during her Courtship Rituals by AmélieIS


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