
The Taheen are a mysterious and enigmatic people who inhabit the hinterlands of the Holy Cathrican Empire, particularly in the Dominion of Estimonde. Focused on mastering the feral spirits within themselves, the Taheen merge scientific inquiry, magical understanding, and druidic wisdom to form a unique and harmonious approach to life and their surroundings.


The Death Curse of Cernunnos inflicted a terrible, mutagenic lycanthropy upon his slayers which very nearly ended the Crusade in its infancy. If not for the presence of shapeshifting shaman among their number, the "Wisdom of Beasts" might have torn through the Crusaders as intended; instead, the cunning leaders of the Taheen nation turned divine punishment back against the gods in the form of Dushkan Mokosh. As the descendants of those Crusaders, modern Taheen wear the signs of that heritage proudly. Typically found in rural areas, they are deeply connected to the natural world, seeking to comprehend both the spiritual and physical aspects of the cosmos.



Whether or not they possess another ounce of magic, all Taheen are born with the ability to temporarily enhance their animalistic features through a process they refer to as "shifting." While they cannot fully change shape naturally, shifting is a transformative process, which enables them to manifest more pronounced bestial aspects.(1)

While shifted, a Taheen's physical appearance takes on characteristics reminiscent of the combat forms found in such lycanthropic creatures as werebears, weretigers, wereboars, wererats, or werewolves. These often include natural weapons/armour, sensory acuities, and movement modes, although more esoterically-minded shifters might channel for perspicacity, insight, or talent, as required.

Shifting requires Taheen to tap into their animalistic aspects, fostering a deeper connection with their primal instincts and characteristics associated with their shifted forms. This connection often leads to a more profound understanding of the natural world and its inherent balance. Yet, even when practiced by the Taheen within the teachings of Dushkan Mokosh, changing one's shape can have profound effects on the humanoid psyche, as the experience of shifting influences an individual's self-perception, identity, and mental resilience. The further one strays from one's natural shape, the more profound these influences become.(2)

Because of this, Shifting introduces a dynamic element to one's identity, challenging the conventional notions of a fixed self. In embracing the mutable nature of their bodies, many develop a more fluid sense of identity, recognizing that who they are is not confined to a single form. The ability to shift between different forms can contribute to enhanced psychological resilience; many Taheen develop a mental fortitude that comes from adapting to changing circumstances, mirroring the adaptability observed in the physical realm.

Shifting necessarily embodies the integration of dualities, reconciling the human and animal aspects within the individual. In not seeking to tame the beast within but instead recognizing and accepting it as part of who one is, dissonance is reduced, making integration possible. This integration leads to a balanced and harmonious psyche, where both sides are acknowledged and embraced.

Finally, as a cultural hallmark shapeshifting holds immense significance, influencing societal norms and values within Taheen communities. The acceptance and celebration of diverse forms has fostered an inclusive culture that values individual uniqueness and diversity.

Dushkan Mokosh

Within their technoshamanic tradition of Dushkan Mokosh, the Taheen explore the intricate relationships between the material and spiritual planes, offering a synthesis of science, magic, and druidry in their practices. With its strong focus on self-mastery, discipline, temperance, and loyalty, Mokosh defines the Taheen's approach to understanding the cosmos and their place within it.

In the context of Dushkan Mokosh's teachings, shapeshifting becomes a spiritual practice. The process of transformation serves as a means of spiritual exploration and growth, allowing Taheen to delve into the depths of their consciousness and unlock hidden potentials.

The Taheen's quest for understanding extends beyond themselves, delving into the natural world that surrounds them. By unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos, the Taheen strive to navigate the delicate balance between science and spirituality, magic and nature. This approach not only distinguishes them as a unique cultural group within the Empire but also positions them as the custodians of ancient knowledge and wisdom.

While their animistic beliefs guide their spiritual endeavors, the Taheen also play a crucial role in the practical aspects of the Empire. Their expertise in both science and magic makes them valuable contributors to the Empire's understanding of the natural world. In this dual capacity, the Taheen serve as intermediaries between the tangible and intangible, fusing their understanding of both realms for the benefit of the Holy Cathrican Empire.

  1. While it's true that it capitalizes on the Taheen's natural polymorphic ability, diligent study of the Mokosh allows almost anyone to master the Dushka required to shift shape.
  2. It's important to note that the psychological effects of shapeshifting can vary among individuals, and the specific teachings and beliefs within the Taheen community will play a crucial role in shaping the impact on an individual's psyche.

Basic Information



Although they share similarities in height and build with humans, Taheen are typically more lithe and flexible. Their facial features carry a bestial cast, often featuring large eyes, pointed ears, and prominent canine teeth. Furthermore, they grow fur-like hair on nearly every part of their bodies. While shifted, these traits are even more prominent. Even at their most feral, however, Taheen are clearly identifiable for what they are.

Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Therionis
Geographic Distribution
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