Inhabitants of Demorgan

The inhabitants of Demorgan are creatures such as: Elves, Orcs, Giants, Humans, Demons, Angels, Ghosts, etc.  


Elves are one of the magnificent creatures that protect forests, the females normally have: pointy ears, a white and green dress and green or brown eyes (also a bow and arrow if she's a warrior). The males normally have: pointy ears, a green and white outfit and green or brown eyes (also a bow and arrow if he's a warrior).


Humans can do more things then other creatures like: robbing, cooking, selling, drawing/painting, etc. Humans can also wear anything if they are not at an event that tells you to wear specific clothes.


Giants are one of the biggest creatures that ever lived. Giants can have any type of ears, they can do magic, they can have any clothes they just need to be big, they can do nearly everything, just like humans! The only problem that giants have is that they need a lot of space to live, because they are really big.


Angels are good creatures, the opposite of Demons. Angels have special abilities such as: Flight, They can make people happy, Making people be good, etc. There is a special angel that is called cupid, he makes people fall in love.


Demons are bad creatures, the opposite of Angels. Demons have abilities like: Flight, Making people hate each other, Making people be evil, Making people sad, etc. The Devil is the ruler of the underworld and the ruler of Demons, he makes all the rules for Demons.


There are many types of ghosts that can do many different things: Poltergeists make a lot of mess, Shades are shy, Banshees make loud noises, Spirits are nice, etc. Ghosts have many different abilities like: Flight, Invisibility, Night vision, etc.


Some things you should know about Orcs: They are aggressive, They smell really bad, etc. Orcs are green creatures that eat meat, they also like fighting and killing.


Halflings are one of the smallest creatures that ever lived! They're size is half of a human child's size. Halflings live: amongst the humans/in villages, in caves, in forests, in small camps, in small huts in the forests, on mountains, etc.


Gnomes are another one of the smallest creatures that ever lived. Sometimes people think that the things running around everywhere in their houses are just mice, but they are acctually gnomes! Gnomes live in: houses, shops, caves, mountains, forests, etc. Gnomes are very small creatures that don't know anything about other creatures.


Zombies are very dangerous creatures often called: "The Undead". Zombies are often found: in cities during a apocolypse, in villages, in forests, in mountains, in abandoned houses, abandoned ships, abandoned villages, abandoned cities, etc. Zombies have the ability to: transform a person into a Zombie and cause destrucion in villages and cities.


Faeries are small magical little creatures that use a magical thing called: "Fairy dust" to create magic. Faeries have many abilities such as: Flying, Growing stuff, etc. Faeries live in/with: Elves, in Flower Forests, Forests, Mountains, Plains with loads of flowers, etc.


Mermaids are magical creatures that live in the sea. Mermaids are like fish that can talk and that look more like humans, many people think that mermaids are just a child's tale but they are wrong.

Half Humans

Half humans are just like humans but they have ears and tails and also are half animal. There are a lot of types of Half Humans like: Half Bunnies, Half Wolves, Half Bears, Half Birds, Half Cats, Half Dragons, Half Foxes, Half Lions, Half Mice, Half Squirrels, Etc.


Witches are creatures that use magic for either good or bad, bad Witches normally work with corrupted creatures like demons. Good witches normally work with pure creatures like faeries and angels. Witches normally wear black clothes and pointy hats, they also live in places like: Villages, Cities, Swamps, Forests, Etc.


Dragons are very powerful creatures that have survived for many centuries. Dragons are have dry, strong, scaly skin that can also be used to create: armour, weapons, tools and more. Many people have tried to tame a dragon risking their own life, But many have failed and died, People who tame dragons become very powerful, Some go crazy and try to destroy the world, Some protect villages or even build their own village.


Dinosaurs are creatures that are similar to Dragons but have no wings. there are many different types of Dinosaurs, Some Dinosaurs live underwater, Some Dinosaurs are big, Some are small, etc. One of the most powerful Dinosaurs is the T-Rex. Most Dinosaurs have: scales, 2-4 fingers and blue, grey or green skin.


Cats are cute and fluffy little creatures. Sometimes you might find cats running around in: villages, cities, towns, houses, witch huts, etc. People normally keep cats as pets and take care of them. Never let a cat near a dog unless your cat doesn't attack other animals because dogs and cats normally fight. Cats are very good hunters, they hunt: Birds, Rats, Mice, any type of small creature.


Dogs are also cute and fluffy creatures big or small. Dogs normally wander in: villages, cities, plains, houses, forests, etc. Dogs are good pets because they normally do what you tell them to do like if you said: sit the dog would sit, if u said lay the dog would lay, if u said jump the dog would jump, etc. Farmers would also use some dogs to herd sheep and other animals.


Unicorns are magestical and beatiful creatures that live in sacred places such as: Enchanted Forests, Cloud Castles, etc. Unicorns have a horn on their head(which kind of makes them look like rhinos if you think about it)


Fish are creatures that live in the sea. Some people eat fish, some people hate eating fish, some people cant eat fish, some people keep fish as pets. You can find fish in: the sea, ocean, a pond, a river, a house, a pet shop, etc. there are many different types of fish like: pufferfish, salmon,cod, tropical fish, etc


Hamsters are small little animals. you can find them in: pet shops, houses, villages, etc. Hamsters normally eat seeds, dry fruits, hay, etc. Hamsters love to go through tunnels so if you get a Hamster make sure you put some tunnels in the cage, Hamsters also need something soft to step on so make sure you put something soft as the floor of the cage.


Satyrs are woodland creatures that have the head and body of a man but legs of a goat, they also have short horns and pointed ears. They normally eat vegetation but occasionally eat small animals.  


Nymphs are generally seen as personifications of nature and are typically tied to a specific landform or place. Nymphs generally eat vegetation.


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