Luniwyn, the Silver Maiden

Let us never forget the Silver Maiden, full of infinite wisdom, so loved her father that she chose to willingly stare into cosmic horror and fight back the infringing void. It is a mystery all who worship must ponder.
Luniwyn is the goddess of the Moon, Prophecy, Secrets, and Wisdom. She is also one of three deities birthed by Aymara the Foremother, and a direct descendant of Al'Madoon, the Architect.   Luniwyn is closely allied with her kin Asanna and Rezmir under the Illuminated Church, a grand church overseen by three Heralds, one for each deity of light. Like her kin, Luniwyn’s celestial and physical forms were torn apart from the Great Sacrifice. To learn more about the creation of the Multiverse, reference the Story of Creation article below.
Story of Creation
Generic article | May 6, 2023
After her ascension to the Above following the Great Sacrifice, Luniwyn was drawn to the night sky. The essence Al’Madoon willingly removed from his body during creation, Ikaram the Sol, and the stars in the sky, shone beautifully and stood vigilant, protecting Erenel from the void. Luniwyn did not feel the same love her siblings and mother felt for the people of Erenel, but she did long to assist in what her father gave his life to protect – the Realms of Remembrance.   The Silver Maiden saw how the void would encroach while Ikaram the Sol circled away, leaving the stars struggling to push out the darkness. She would join their plight in the dark sky and bring twilight to the world, shining with the silver light of the stars, staring back into the unending void.

Divine Domains

Knowledge, Moon, Tempest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Luniwyn is a crescent moon inlaid with gems with the two ends covered in silver, mithril or other exotic metals that reflect light. The symbol doubles as a weapon and can be sized as small as a dagger to the much larger umbra glaives wielded by the Midnight Eyrie.

Tenets of Faith


All are born to live unique and different lives. Every person may look to the stars in the sky from anywhere in the universe for your destiny hides in plain sight. Once you learn to read the stars, you will know too much to be ignored. Choose carefully when and how you reveal the secrets you bear, many people would be better off not knowing.  

Lunar Cycle

Find comfort in the beauty of twilight instead of the bright light of fanatical good or the darkness of infinite evil. Straddle the freedom to choose the side you believe in between chaos and law. Sometimes we are radiant and alluring, while other times we are cold and full of melancholy. Both are legitimate, and there is a proper time for each.  

Wisdom by Experience

Knowing yourself and understanding you should live a life of learning is true wisdom. Life is a series of mysteries. As you grow and experience, you uncover a powerful intuition burning inside of you. Listen to it or follow the fool's path.


First full moon of the new year
A holiday of great importance for followers of Luniwyn, the Silver Maiden. Nulltide is held on the first full moon of the new year and is believed to be when The Null floating in the Nothingness are most agitated. Celebration of this holiday involves spending the day in isolated silence with minimal activity to not bring upon their gaze, allowing Luniwyn a well-needed rest.
Three Tears
31st of Eol
Held during the last day of the year, Three Tears is a solemn holiday. As the year fades and another takes its place, Erenel mourns the loss of Asanna, Luniwyn and Rezmir's physical form and hopes one of the three may fulfill their Yearning next year and become whole again.


Contacts & Relations

Sailors and navigators who travel by the stars offer prayer to Luniwyn for a safe voyage. Those who hold her in the highest regard are astrologers, fortune tellers, mystics and those curious enough to seek their future. Lycanthropes, both good-spirited and evil, look to Luniwyn for help coping with a shared moon cycle.   It is quite common for other intelligent races to also ask for blessing and give thanks to Luniwyn but worship another deity.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
the Silver Maiden, the Moon and Stars, the Sky Mother, the Light's Shadow
Ruled Locations

Midnight Eyrie

Followers of Luniwyn, the Midnight Eyrie harnesses moon and starlight to push back the darkness.

Cycle of the Moon

Luniwyn has many changing moods and natures resembling the cycle of the moon. The light's shadow is still partially in darkness as the void stares back. Those who communicate with Luniwyn note that she is enthusiastic and joyous at times. Later in the month, she would appear subdued and tranquil before becoming overcome by sadness. Finally, she could appear cold and fierce, showing little mercy for those who oppose her ideals.   Following the moon's rotation, one can predict Luniwyn's mood, with a complete cycle taking place over 16 days. When the moon appears new, she is filled with happiness, but when the moon is full, she turns aggressive. Similarly, others who look to the moon for guidance follow a similar cycle of emotions.

All Sight

Luniwyn is one of two deities blessed with all-sight and has seen her future and eventual death. She chooses to not reveal what she sees by reading the stars, instead revealing information on a need to know basis when necessary.   The other deity blessed with all-sight is Oriax, the Watcher

Illuminated Church

The Illuminated Church is arguably the most influential organization in Erenel. With a stranglehold on Grenchester and subsequently the Illuminated Kingdom, the church leads the effort to reclaim the divine remains of Asanna, Luniwyn and Rezmir.   Under the Illuminated Church are the three Churches of Yearning, each following one of the three deities of light. While these Churches of Yearning are under the Illuminated Church, each is widespread, with sects stretching across Erenel in every capital city.   Each individual Church of Yearning is its own religious organization, as shown below:
by Jeff Brown
Hearth Keepers
Followers of Asanna, the Hearth Keepers harness sunlight to push back the darkness.  
Lantern Priests
Followers of Rezmir, the Lantern Priests harness holy light found within to push back the darkness.  
Midnight Eyrie
Followers of Luniwyn, the Midnight Eyrie harnesses moon and starlight to push back the darkness.

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