
A charismatic and dexterous fox-like people, the Rusco were rescued by the deity Natsuko from "the Below" following an uprising against Vyse Tyranal in the second century of the Era of Inner Flame (EoIF). Now, the Rusco are looked upon with mistrust and confusion as their race may be free but still holds the taint of the shadow plane.
Unconcerned with worldly matters, Rusco focus on the things which bring excitement to their own lives. Having truly no place to call home, Rusco are very independent creatures. Much of this comes from the narrow glances and furrowed brows commonplace when other races interact with a Rusco.   Erenel is full of mistrust towards the fox-like creatures - perhaps with good reason. All Rusco come from the hellish plane, the Below, forced into the armies of Vyse Tyranal, the Fallen Elf⁣ during the Shadows Wars until the Rusco's escape. Their bloodline marks their reputation as a race of untrustworthy creatures, though over time many Rusco have made strides in mending the divide. Thankfully, Rusco can find solitude with both the followers of Natsuko and the Matron of Ravens⁣, two deities responsible for their freedom.

Basic Information


Rusco resemble bi-pedal fox with a slim build standing between 3ft and 4ft tall, and weighing around 40 to 50 pounds. They have cunning eyes that range in color from blue, green, brown and yellow. Many believe a Rusco with red eyes is to be avoided as their infernal ancestry may be bubbling to the surface.   Rusco are red, brown or grey furred, often with undertones of a lighter color with an expressive plush tail. Some Rusco grow beards, and many adorn their ears with piercings and rings.
Rusco reach adulthood in their late teens and generally live 250 years.
Average Height
3ft - 4ft
Average Weight
40 - 50 pounds

Vizeran De'vaj

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Despite the Rusco's reputation of being mischievous, they are excellent negotiators and merchants. Perhaps due to their heritage, they are known to be able to talk their way out of even the most dangerous of situations. However, the lust for gold and riches is not the path many Rusco follow. Others choose to search for a greater purpose, proving themselves worthy of freedom or spend every waking moment attacking anything related to the tyrant, Tyranal.   All Rusco are curious by nature. A Rusco merchant may trade goods for a legendary story or information on a topic of interest. Heroes with aligned views will have a companion for life as long as interesting adventurers follow.


After Al'Madoon's sacrifice and Vyse Tyranal's banishment into the Below, the Rusco also fell, following "He Who Would Not Bow" in hopes of continuing the luxurious lifestyle they had before the bonding. To their despair, hatred flourished, leading the Fallen Elf to enslave his once joyous followers. Lost in hysteria, Vyse Tyranal shaped his followers in a new image, for he could not bear to look upon anything Al'Madoon created. The Rusco and many other races who chose to fall with Vyse Tyranal fled in hopes of escaping.   Seeing the horrors being wrought, Natsuko and Ianna, Matron of Ravens, went to war, fighting to save those trying to escape demonic transformations. The Rusco, seeing a way to escape, allied with Natusko, eventually escaping into Erenel following the Great Sacrifice's time-lapse.

Rusco Traits

Your Rusco character has a variety of natural abilities common with your ancestry.
Rusco 5E Racial Traits


Ability Score Increase Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose any +1; choose any other +1; choose any other +1
Size Small
Speed 30 ft


You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.  

Cursed Curiosity

Your natural curiosity makes you well versed in determining certain items. Whenever you make an Intelligence (history) check related to the origin of ancient artifacts you are considered an expert. Add double your proficiency bonus to the check. You can also cast the identify spell, requiring no verbal or material components, once per long rest. If you are not otherwise a spell caster, you do not learn the name or details, but you do gain a general understanding of the effects.  


Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.  

Dark Origin

You are considered both a fiend and humanoid. When you die on Erenel, your spirit return to "the Below".  


Your difficult heritage and the resulting suspicion around your race has made you naturally adept at avoiding attention. You are proficient with one of the following skills: Deception, Persuasion, or Stealth.  

Hellish Legacy

You know the vicious mockery cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the hellish rebuke spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait. When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the Enthrall spell once with this trait. You must finish a long rest in order to cast these spells again. Charisma is your spell casting ability for these spells.

Languages. Common and one additional language of your choice

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