Apothecary Ingredients

Ingredients are used to create items based on what your character knows from their crafting masteries. There are two different ways to get ingredients. One way is to purchase them from a shop and the other way is to gather them yourself in the wilderness.

Angel Wisps Flower/Stem

A rare flower that has stabilizing and revival abilities. It has a straight, tall, almost translucent stem with a flower that has white winglike petals. While the stem is used to revive people on the brink of death, they cannot bring back the dead. Flower pedals are commonly used to help stabilize the dying.

Ash Pinecone

An uncommon pinecone found near volcanoes and other natural heat sources on the Ash tree.

It has a shiny red color causing it to appear on fire. The ash pinecone gets its name from its brittle structure and the red ash it produces when crushed. The pinecone is always warm to the touch, regardless of how long it has been removed from the ash tree.

It has a warming effect to help against frostbite.


This poisonous berry is commonly confused with the Barberry because of its similar appearance. Don’t be fooled, though, because this berry causes physical health damage when consumed.


A bush that produces small berries that, when used in concoctions, provides mental health recovery.

Outside of medical purposes, it produces edible but sharply acidic berries, which are often eaten as a tart and refreshing fruit.


Home to the marvelous pollinators of flowers and mass producers of sweet golden syrup, the honeybee. The hive is a large fragile nest normally hung from a tree or other ledge. Harvesting the honeycomb of the hive can be challenging, as the bees might think the character is hostile and will attack. If the hive hasn’t been abandoned.

When harvesting a beehive that is active if a three or lower is rolled on the harvest, check the bees attack dealing 1d4-1 piercing damage before it is harvestable. Abandoned hives provide one less die roll worth of honey or honeycomb (min. 1 part). It is up to the game master if a discovered hive is active or abandoned.


The material found inside of a beehive where bees produce honey. A honeycomb can be broken up into four parts. When used in a concoction, it provides mental health healing.


A sweet golden sticky liquid made by bees and harvested from honeycombs. Two parts of honey can be harvested from a single honeycomb. When consumed, it provides a sweet treat. Thought to be a cure for the common cold.

Bird Trap Nectar

The nectar of a large bell shaped flower. Inside the flower is sweet nectar that attracts birds. When the bird goes to drink the nectar, the bell closes and impales it with needles. The bird trap then crushes the bird, devouring it.

The nectar can delay the effects of other ingredients. It has two forms, processed and unprocessed, which determine when the delay starts.

Processing the nectar involves drying it for four hours, which turns it into a powder and causes the delay effect to start instantly.

Unprocessed is using the nectar raw and causes the delay to start after ten seconds.


The flowers have five narrow, triangular-pointed petals. Flowers are most often blue, although pink flowers are sometimes observed. When used in a concoction, they provide +1 agility per part up to a maximum of +4.


This shrub produces orange-yellow berries, which have been used as food and medicine. Eaten raw the berries are a tasty treat but when mixed in a concoction they gain +1 to channeling per part up to a maximum of +4.


The bugsbane is a smooth, large plant with large, broad leaves. The stem can be used with concoctions to grant enhanced vision for one hour per part used up to a maximum of eight hours. This is an additive ingredient.


This small plant is commonly steeped in an herbal tea to provide relaxation and calm the mind. It has a purple coloring with white flower pedals. The whole plant is steeped.

Clean Water

Boiled water that has been cooled and stored in sealed secure bottles or barrels. Extremely easy to come by and not worth much in the market.

Coco Fruit

Inside the coco fruit, you'll find a sweet liquid core and a semi-hard, sweet flesh. Two layers enclose the core. A hard, brown, hairy material makes up the inner layer, which is encased in a hard yellowish green casing. To access the core, the outer casings need to be removed. The flesh can make coco fruit oil.

Coco Fruit Oil

This oil is the flesh of the coco fruit after it is pressed to release its oil. Provides mental health healing. Pressing the oil out of a single fruit takes about four hours to produce one part.

Concentrated Egg Berry Syrup

These berries can be found on a plant called the egg bush. The brown color of the bush and berries, along with their oval shape, gave them their name.

Crushed egg berries produce a milky red syrup often used to make a commonly known wine called egg wine. The more the berries are fermented, the higher the quality the wine becomes.

When the syrup is not fermented and is in its pure form, it has healing properties.

Cone Berry

A deep purple berry with a cone shape. It has a strong sour tart taste which provides essence restorative effects. It also can be fermented to make sour cider. However, once fermented, the medical properties are lost.

The cone berry grows on a thorn bush known as the cone bush; named after the berry that grows on it. The bush has no properties other than growing the berry.


This creamy pale yellow flower is dangerous because it can cause unconsciousness from touching the pedals. The flower produces a powder that covers the pedals that, when touched, seep into the skin and can cause them to pass out.

Crimson Flower Leaf

A tall red flower that’s stem is covered in red leaves. However, the leaves appear to be brown as they produce a powder known as Leaf Dirt Dust.

Grinding the leaves causes the fibers and oils to combine, creating a health damaging poison. The difficulty of gathering this ingredient is accidentally inhaling the leaf dirt, as it has addictive properties.

The flower has no apothecary properties but looks pretty, even with its leaves removed.


A white flower is commonly used in salads and tea.


This glowing moss is found in deep caves and in the Dark Ring. The difficulty of harvesting the moss is because it grows on the cave ceiling, feeding off the water that trickles from the Surface Side.

A cluster of moss that is about five square feet produces ten feet of greenish orange light.

Foxfire provides many medical applications. Applying it directly to a wound stops the bleeding and changes its glow to a reddish color. The moss should be replaced with proper medical supplies as soon as possible because the moss continues to consume the subject's blood slowly. After applying the moss to stop the initial bleeding, the subject continues to bleed for one damage every twenty seconds until the moss is removed. Removing the moss does not require any specific tools or skill.

Foxfire, used as an ingredient for medical, uses the liquid the moss accumulates. Ringing out the moss produces a greenish orange liquid that has healing properties. Apothecary items that use foxfire often produce a slight glow which is as easy way to identify the ingredient. The moss loses its glow once the liquid is removed.


This pinkish purple flower has a spiky base making it hard to harvest. When it is harvested and used in a concoction, it can restore mental health damage.

Gas Zombie Vapors

The vapors of a gas zombie are tricky to harvest, as they must be extracted from a gas zombie. See Gas Zombie in the Creatures Guide for more information.

The gas collected from the zombie is used as an ingested poison.


This green leaf can be ground and used in concoctions to restore essence. It gives the concoction a very grass-like taste.


These small flowers sprout from the Bennal plant. When used in apothecary items, it can restore large amounts of essence. The flowers range in color from white to pink.


This rare plant has a golden shine when in light. The buds blossom into golden flowers when light is shone on them. The buds of the plant can be used as part of roasting meats to provide a rich, meaty flavor.

However, if used in large quantities, it can be used as a knock out poison through ingestion.

Grave Vine Seed

A seed produced from the grave vine, which grows from corpses. The vine looks like it is charred or burned. When the vine touches flesh it implants its seed under the skin, which immediately grows. This causes a look as if massive veins are growing under the skin. The vines place a curse on the victim as soon as the seeds have grown.

The curse is known as cursed veins and can only be removed by a class five or higher antitoxin. It causes the victim to fall into a comatose condition after thirty seconds. A stamina versus DR20 can prevent the curse from taking effect and can be made once every ten seconds.

To collect the grave vine seeds, the vine’s core must be destroyed. The core is in the victim's torso or corpse and must be forcefully removed before any seeds can be harvested. The removal of the core kills the vine, which causes the seeds to become dormant. Only dormant seeds can make apothecary items, otherwise the seeds will try to implant itself into any flesh it comes into contact with.

Grave vine seeds can be ground into a powder and used for an extremely damaging poison.


A green plant that produces a gray goo, which can be used in concoctions to add +2 essence per part. This is an additive ingredient.

The plant excretes the goo as a defense. It covers itself in the goo, which is slippery to prevent creatures from using it as a snack.

Grin Nim

The grin nim, often referred to as grin, is a common plant that can be found in grasslands. Farmers and herders see it as a weed that, if not removed, can cause harm to their livestock. When the livestock eat grin nim, they can become paralyzed and poisoned. Depending on the size of the livestock, this can be fatal.

However, an alchemist finds the grin plant to be extremely useful as the leaves cause numbing effects while the root is used for cures and mild poisons. See the ingredients, Grin Root, Nim Sap, and Numb Leaf for more information.

Grin Root

The root of the poisonous grin nim plant. Gathering the root can be difficult because of the numbing effect of the leaves, but it's crucial for brewing class three antitoxins. The roots flesh is dark brown, but the flesh is a cream color.

Nim Sap

Sap from the grin plant. It is a golden color and is commonly used in healing potions. Gathering the sap can be difficult because of the numbing effects of the leaves.

Numb Leaf

Found on a poisonous plant known as a grin. This dark brown leaf gives a short numbing sensation when touched. If ingested by itself, it can cause the body to go numb for a few minutes. Numb leaf is commonly used by apothecaries as a numbing agent for minor surgical procedures.

Hearth Tree

This common tree can be found in wooded areas and grasslands. It has a wide trunk and sprouts red and green leaves. Hearth trees are known for being dangerous when metal tools are used to harvest their wood, as the sap is easily flammable. However, the flesh of the tree acts as a neutralizer to negate the sap and acids.

Its red leaves are poisonous if consumed but can enhance other ingredients.

Hearth Flesh

The meat of a hearth tree that has neutralizing properties. Gathering the flesh of this tree can be difficult because it has a sticky flammable sap that can easily ignite from metals. The flesh has a light tan coloring.

Hearth Sap

A reddish sap from the Hearth Tree that when lit burns for an extended period. The sap must be removed from the tree to be used, as the tree’s flesh acts as a neutralizer. Removing the sap can be a challenge as it can easily ignite from metallic tools.

Red Leaves

The leaves of a Hearth Tree are poisonous if consumed but harmless to the touch. If used in concoctions, they can enhance other ingredients. They are a deep red color.


The name "horsetail", often used for the entire group, arose because the branched species somewhat resemble a horse's tail.

The properties of this herb provide restoration of essence.

Hotton Bell

A sweet and juicy fruit that has a poisonous outside and antitoxin inside. The fruits stem produces an extremely deadly poison which can kill on contact. However, the bell of the fruit is soft, sweet, and juicy. The fruit has a yellowish tan color and smooth skin on the bell with ridged skin on the stem. Inside the bell is the seed that is harder than iron, but if carefully ground up produces an antitoxin for the stem’s poison.

They used this fruit in many types of food and drink processes. It’s cut up for pies, eaten freshly plucked from the stem, and even fermented into the famous sweet Hotto Bell wine. Of course, that is only if you can afford the wine.

Hotton Bell Stem

The stem of the Hotton Bell is extremely poisonous contact poison.

Hotton Bell Pit

This harder than iron pit can be ground to get a powerful antitoxin.

Iris Pedals

Irises come in many colors, such as blue and purple, yellow, pink and orange, brown and red, and even black. When their pedals are soaked in clean water, their color leeches out. The now dull white pedal can be dried and ground for its apothecary properties, such as a combiner.

The colored water left over is commonly used as cheap dyes.

Kava Root

A large leafed plant with roots that provide euphoric effects. When eaten raw, the root gives feelings of happiness and joy. However, when mixed in a concoction, it changes the chemical makeup and produces a paralyzing poison.


A purple flower that, when used in a concoction, provides a boost in strength. It grants a +1 to might per part used to a maximum of +4.


This blue flower is poisonous to the touch and requires a gentle hand to harvest. Luckily, it does not cause damage, but causes paralysis instead.

Necrotic Flame

This black and red plant has the appearance of flames. While it is harmless to the touch, when ingested, it causes physical health damage.


This dark purple leaf grows on vines that grow in darker environments. When crushed to a powder and added to a concoction, they provide the user with night vision for one hour per part used to a maximum of eight hours. This is an additive ingredient.


A small fragile yellow crystal that grows in warm underground areas, such as caves near volcanoes and steam vents. It grows in clusters of small beads that are no larger than an inch in diameter. The crystals are naturally acidic and feel warm to the touch.

Nitor Flower Powder

A long-stemmed flower with light green pedals. This flower grows around Nitor crystals using them as a heat source. As a defense mechanism, the flower produces a green powder that burns on contact.


A fruit that gives off a very pungent odor. It is rarely eaten raw because the odor causes the fruit to have a very grotesque taste. Instead, the skin is mashed into a pulp and used to provide healing based on the number of parts used in a concoction. This is an additive ingredient and provides +2 health per part used up to a maximum of +16. This is commonly used to create basic healing salves.

Poppy Mushroom

This small white mushroom has small cream-colored dimples covering its cap. The poppy seed shaped dimples, when consumed, cause hallucinogenic effects that can last up to two hours. These effects are minor and not seen as dangerous, therefore are not deemed illegal in most empires. The mushroom itself is a common ingredient in many stews. Just make sure you remove the dimples first.

Rabbit Tail Flower

A flower that has white puffy petals on a long, leafless stem. It is mostly used for antitoxins.

Radiant Flower

A large bright yellow flower with small seeds encased in dark shells at the center of the flower. The Radiant Flower has many restorative properties and is widely used in advanced medicines. The seeds can be harvested and eaten raw. While the seeds have no special properties (besides tasting good) the petals hold the apothecary properties. Often, the petals are left in the apothecary item once finished brewing to give the item a unique appearance. The flower petals provide healing effects.

Rice Nectar

This small plant is named after the small seeds that resemble white grains of rice. When ground and ingested, the seeds can cause paralysis.


A reddish flower that, when steeped into tea, can cause laxative properties or be used as a mouthwash.

Shell Snake Mucus

Catching a shell snake is as easy as picking up a stone, but collecting the mucus it produces is harder. Shell snakes want to keep their mucus so they will fight back. Also, you want to make sure you do not paralyze yourself when collecting it.

If bitten by the shell snake when attempting to extract the mucus, you take one point of piercing damage and become paralyzed for 10 seconds. This is long enough for the shell snake to retract back into its shell.

Shell snakes when exposed have one health but their shells have fifteen. They have no skills or movement and have a +5 attack if being held. If not being held but in range, their attack is +3. Their defense is based on inanimate object rules for smaller than a square foot.

Snake Root

This long stem white flower is commonly used to relieve minor pain when made into a concoction. When burned, the smoke can revive unconscious people.


The plant has two linear leaves and a single small white drooping bell-shaped flower. Consuming this flower in a concoction grants enhanced vision for equal to the parts added per hour. This is an additive ingredient.

Snow Berry Syrup

A fragile small white berry that can restore health. Gathering the berries is difficult as the bush they grow on has thorns and the berries themselves are very fragile.

Both the outer skin and flesh of the berry are pure white. When grinding up the berries to make the syrup, it creates a thick white liquid.


Spearmint produces flowers in slender spikes, each flower pink or white. The name ‘spear’ mint derives from the pointed leaf tips.

It is commonly steeped as a tea and used to help with nausea, headaches, and the common cold. It is also used in cooking to provide a minty flavoring to any dish.

Spider Venom

A greenish red watery liquid that can be used in poisons to cause paralysis. When used alone, it causes 1d4+1 rounds of paralysis and has a DR12 versus stamina.

Stink Bug Pouch

A small six-legged insect that produces toxic vapor in a pouch on its back. This type of poison is ingested.

When frightened, the stink bug releases its vapors to knock out its attacker to escape. When harvesting the bugs, each pouch contains one part, so the parts roll of the harvest check indicates how many bugs you catch.

Tail Root

A long braided brown root with a tough skin. This root is mostly found in The Midway but can be found all over the world. It is a common plant that can grow in almost any climate. The skin has properties that, when dried and crushed into a powder, have a curing property.

The flesh is commonly used to make broths for soups and stews. It can also be chewed on to clean teeth and freshen breath, as it has a slight mint flavor.

Tesh Wort

This plant grows up to one meter tall, with many yellow flowers that have clearly visible black glands around their edges. It provides a +1 to mental per part up to a maximum of +4.


The flowers are small, with five petals, and borne in dense spikes. Typically, some shade of blue, they may also be white, pink, or purple. This flower can create a knock out poison.

Water Ash

The Water Ash is a poisonous plant found in the shallows of small bodies of water and rivers/streams. When used in a concoction, it can create a class three health damaging poison.

Water Bane

This rare flower can be found growing on the banks of rivers. It gets its name from the poisonous nectar that is produced at the flowers center along with growing near water. This plant is highly sought after, except for the roots, every part can be used in apothecary recipes.

Water Bane Powder

The flower of the Water Bane is large with white petals and a purple center. When the petals are dried and ground into a powder, the flowers' true potential is revealed. Applying one part of the powder, by itself, to an open wound prevents infection and removes any present.

Water Bane Nectar

While the petals can provide healing properties, the purple nectar can create a powerful poison. Extracting the nectar is extremely dangerous because of its high acidic content, which is enough to melt flesh on contact. When extracting the nectar, a harvest check must be made versus a DR 18. Rolling a one on the check results in automatic failure and 1d10 acid damage. Handle Poison mastery is not applied to this check.

Water Bane Syrup

The pale green leaves of the Water Bane can be soaked in water to extract their liquid. The leaves must be soaked for twenty-four hours, which results in them dissolving and turning the water into a pale green syrup. Water Bane Syrup has properties to help restore essence.

Water Bane Fiber

The stem of the Water Bane can be stripped and soaked with other ingredients to improve mental health.

Worm Root Seed

Derived from the worm root plant, the worm root seed is produced by a plant that resembles a carnivorous worm. The worm root ranges between one and three feet long and travels around in the dirt laying its seeds. The seeds grow into a net that can cover sizeable areas. This net will wait until a creature walks on it before it springs up and traps them within it. The area where the net is placed is always a clean, open clearing of simply dirt. The worm root then burrows up and out of the dirt within the net and latches onto its prey. It remains there, drinking its prey's blood until it has completely drained it. It then returns to the dirt and moves to a new location and resets its net.

Worm roots are different than other plants when gathering their seeds. Their search difficulty has a +5 on top of its rarity and to harvest their seeds, they must be killed. To catch a worm root and harvest its seeds, the net needs to be triggered to expose it. Once the worm root is exposed and killed, its seeds can be harvested. To determine how many seeds are harvested, roll 1d6+1 per worm root. The gathering table is not used when gathering worm root seeds.

Worm root seeds have enhancement properties, in that they extremely strengthen recipes potency. This can apply to many recipes, including poisons. The worm root seed, when applied to recipes, doubles its effects.


This herb is used to counter class four or lower poisons and some diseases. It has a strong earthy grass taste. Outside of its antitoxin property, when steeping it in water to make tea, it provides an energy boost when sleepy.

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