Apothecary Supplies

This section of the marketplace makes up the medical artisan’s workshops, also known as apothecary shops, which are run by physicians. Apothecary supplies are used for most medical purposes, but some can also be used for combat or to relax after a long day of adventuring.

Becoming Addicted

Some apothecary items, such as Dust can be addictive. Each substance that is addictive has a potency based on the Potency column in its listed table. If your total potency level exceeds your addiction limit (equal to your vitality) you become addicted.

Addiction limit = Vitality

Elder leaf is the only substance that can be addictive, but you cannot overdose from it. See addiction under conditions section of the game rules chapter for more information.

Herbal Health Warning

When consuming herbal potions, be aware that you can get herbal sickness if you overdo it. Consuming over five instances of herbal potions will cause herbal sickness. Herbal potions are considered any potion that can be crafted, has plant-based ingredients, or is listed in this section.
More than 5 potions and tonics a day = Suffer the herbal sickness condition

Potions with stronger restorative effects count more towards your daily potion allowance. This is because the medicine is stronger and therefore it can cause sickness faster. Apothecary supplies with this stronger potency are marked in their descriptions with a (+) next to their name. This indicates it takes up two daily potions consumed instances instead of the standard one.

(+) = Causes 2 daily potions consumed instances when consumed

Apothecary Classes

Most apothecary items are classified into different classes based on their difficulty to create and their potency. The more potent the item, the higher class it is classified under. Class one is the least potent, while class five is the most potent. While a healing item class is for crafting classifications, classes of items such as poisons and antitoxins have more significance.

Poisons classification is based on how difficult it is to resist the poison’s effects (its difficulty rating) and how strong its effects are. The counterpart of poisons, the antitoxin, has its classification based on the poisons they negate. Since there are five classes of poisons, there are equally five classes of antitoxins. However, there are many types of poisons and only five different antitoxins. Each class of antitoxin is effective against a specific poison class. So, if you are inflicted with a random class three poison, the class three antitoxin will cure it regardless of the effects of the poison. See the individual poison descriptions for more information about how they each function. Poisons can be found in the black market section of this catalog. Also, see the crafting chapter for more information about how to craft apothecary items.


Alchemical items are apothecary ingredients used to create chemical reactions that cause effects.

Nitor & Sulfic Acid

Nitor acid is a small vial of pale-yellow liquid. When the liquid applies to a surface, it slowly dissolves it. One dose causes 1d6 durability damage for twenty seconds. If thrown at a hard surface, the vial shatters and causes a five-foot area of effect. A reaction check must be made to avoid the damage. The direct location the vial strikes takes 1d6 acid damage for twenty seconds.

Sulfic acid is a small vial of yellowish-green liquid. It functions the same way as nitor acid, except it deals 2d10 acid damage for twenty seconds.

Acid vials can be used in small doses to melt small objects such as locks or chains loops. Each vial has four doses when used this way.

Apothecaries Curse

A unique combination of Nitor Acid and Hearth Flesh that causes a five-foot area to ignite into a fire and acid explosion. The effects last for 1d4x10 seconds unless extinguished with a Neutralizer.

Choking Vapor

A bottled in fragile vials. When exposed to air, it releases vapor in a five-foot area that causes anyone in the area to cannot breathe. The vapors can knock out anyone in the area if they remain in the area for over twenty seconds. The choking causes them to miss their turn if they fail their stamina check versus DR 10. If the target falls unconscious, they remain that way for 1d4 rounds.

Fire Bang

Turning hearth sap and other ingredients into a vapor that when the bottle it is contained in breaks, it causes a small explosion. This explosion deals 2d4 fire damage in a five-foot area of effect and a reaction check DR 10 must be made to avoid the damage. However, if looking at the area of effect when the explosion goes off, a stamina check to not be blinded for ten seconds must be made (DR 10). The affected area's flammable materials ignite. See fire damage in the game rules chapter for information about additional damage if the fire is not put out.


This special toxin is sold in a potion bottle and is used to cancel out the effects of acid. Pouring this liquid on anything that is being damaged by acid stops the acid damage immediately. Neutralizers, like antitoxins, need to belong to the same class or a higher one to extinguish the acid.


Antitoxins are sold in potion bottles. Each bottle contains one dose that can cure one type of poison equal to or lower than the antitoxin’s class.

Numb Tail (Class 2)

This antitoxin removes any class two or lower poison from the person who consumes it.

Red Grin (Class 3)

This antitoxin removes any class three or lower poison from the person who consumes it.

Red Rabbit Syrup (Class 1)

This antitoxin removes any class one poison from the person who consumes it.


Dust is a crushed-up powder form of crystals that are grown in caves or underground spaces. There is an industry for planting and farming dust crystals, as they can be used for medical and military needs. Each type of dust has specific effects when consumed. The effects of each dust last for their own specific amounts of time, based on the dust being consumed.

Dusts must be consumed by ingesting it. Applying it to wounds does nothing. Dust does not count towards your daily consumed potion limit that normally would cause herbal sickness. Instead, you have the possibility of becoming addicted.


A purple powder that, when consumed, regenerates lost body parts. This dust can be taken medically using proper dosage. Depending on the body part that is missing, depends on how much is needed. Apocrium is not addictive when used to regenerate missing body parts. However, if more is taken after the body part has grown back, it can become addictive.

  • Hand, foot, fingers, or toes: ½ dose
  • Arm or leg: 1 dose
  • The effects last for eight hours regardless of the amount taken. Taking more than the indicated dose causes extra body parts to grow randomly on your body. These body parts have a mind of their own and you cannot control them.

    Chaos Crystals

    A black and red powder that, when consumed, puts you in a blind rage. Your combat abilities are enhanced in exchange for mental weakness.

  • +1d6 damage
  • +2 accuracy
  • -2 defense
  • -2 psyche instinct
  • +2 all other instincts
  • One dose of chaos crystals lasts for one minute. A half a dose lasts for 30 seconds and 1/4th dose lasts for 10 seconds. Consuming more while under the effects does not stack. Once the effects wear off, you do not remember what happened while under the dust’s effects.

    Dragon Cane

    A bright red powdery crystal that when crushed into a powder and then inhaled causes you to grow scales along your neck and face. This dust gives you the ability to breathe fire.

  • Breathe fire in a 15ft. cone.
  • Deals 4d6 fire damage.
  • One time use and character reverts to normal once used or after one minute.
  • Leaf Dirt

    The only dust not created from crystals this brown powder is naturally found on the leaves of the crimson leaf flower. It is used in many apothecary recipes, but when used by itself, provides intense amounts of healing. The drawback to using Leaf Dirt is its high potency. The duration of the effects is six hours.

  • Heals 50 health and 5 mental health per dose.
  • Scoal

    A jet black powder that, when consumed, causes sleepiness and euphoric feelings of joy and peace. Scoal has an eight-hour lasting effect per dose. Taking more than the recommended dose increases the duration of the effect by four additional hours per dose. While under the influence of Scoal, you have -2 to all checks because of drowsiness and a stamina check versus DR 14 must be made to not gain the sleep condition. Every dose taken after the first increases the difficulty rating by +2.

    Scoal can be taken as a sleep aid to ensure a restful sleep should the character have nightmares or trouble sleeping. If using it as a sleep aid, the stamina check is not needed, and the sleep condition automatically goes into effect.

    Elder Leaf

    Elder leaves are sold in single doses, but multiple doses can be purchased. One dose is large enough to load a single smoking pipe. Elder leaf is smoked over a short duration of time, typically one hour. The effects of smoking elder leaf do not take effect until about thirty minutes into consuming it. Elder leaf can be consumed in half doses, but the elder leaf’s duration and effects are reduced by half (min 0).

    Consuming most elder leaf during a full rest aids in removing fatigue and is considered a relaxing substance in the same way as alcohol. See fatigue in the game rules chapter for more information.

    Apothecary Warning

    Taking too much elder leaf while still under the influence of a previous dose can have psychological effects. Each elder leaf has their own effects, and their labels should be read before consuming.

    Crisp Rose

    This type of elder leaf grows in the shape of a rose. This elder leaf does not aid in removing fatigue. When ground and smoked or baked into food, it clears the mind to process information quickly. If you take one dose of Crisp Rose, your social checks will increase by +1.

    However, consuming over two doses causes the opposite effect to happen. The total bonus reverts into a negative. So, if you consume three doses instead of having a +3 to social checks, you would have a -3. The person who smokes this elder leaf won't know if the effects are good or bad. As far as they can tell, they feel great.

    Happy Hiccup

    A greenish-brown five fingered leaf that is ground and smoked or baked into foods. It gives a very relaxed and calming feeling that helps to clear the mind. When consuming Happy Hiccup during a full rest gain +2 to your self-psyche, check for that rest. This stacks with the recovery bonus to self-psyche checks when recovering from fatigue.

    Don't take over two Happy Hiccup doses in five hours or you might get thrilled and have uncontrollable hiccups. Make a DR18 stamina check to resist hiccupping. Failing the check, you cannot do anything else except hiccup uncontrollably.

    Sweet Lady

    A reddish eight fingered leaf that is ground up and smoked or baked into foods. It gives a feeling of being extremely light and relaxed, which reduces your fatigue by -1 in addition to the reduction in fatigue already gained from elder leaf during a full rest. The duration of the effects is three hours per use.

    Taking over two doses of Sweet Lady within five hours may make the character feel like they will float away unless they are under something or held down. They need to pass a psyche check (DR18) to avoid this belief.

    Tinkers Aid

    A greenish five fingered leaf that, when ground up and smoked or baked in food, helps with concentration. Elder Leaf, in this form, brings luck to crafting checks and helps determine quality, including forgery. The duration of the effects is three hours.

    Consuming over two doses of Tinkers Aid within five hours causes you to become paranoid and believe nothing you create is good enough. You must make a psyche check (DR18) to resist the urge to destroy objects you have created or are creating.

    Essence Potions

    Essence potions are created from herbs found in the wild and give a boost of extra essence should you need it. The potions restore essence based on the character's channeling and the indicated multiplier. For example, if the character’s channeling is five and they consume an Ashroom potion which has a multiplier of one, they would restore five essence. Likewise, if they consumed a Radiant Cone which has a multiplier of five, they would restore twenty-five essence. But, be careful as the Radiant Cone gives two instances of daily potions consumed and Ashroom only gives one.


    A pinkish red potion that restores equal to your channeling in essence when consumed and always has a warm fresh taste as if freshly brewed.

    Hearth Tail

    A light reddish-brown potion that restores two times your channeling in essence when consumed and has a chalky dry taste with a hint of berry.

    Honey Drop

    A light golden potion that resembles mead. It has a semi-sweet flavor with a unique earthly after taste and restores four times your channeling in essence when consumed.

    Poppy Cone

    A greenish purple potion with a white swirl that, when consumed, restores three times your channeling in essence. It has an earthy, strong berry flavor.

    Radiant Cone (+)

    The color of the Radiant Cone essence potion is a constant swirl of deep blues and yellows with a sparkling heavy syrup consistency. It has a flowery berry taste with a hint of smoked spices and an odd aftertaste of burnt toast. It restores five times your channeling in essence.

    Health Potions

    Health potions made from wild herbs rich in Gaia energy heal characters based on the herbs used and their strength. Health potions heal based on the character’s vitality and the potions multiplier. For example, if the character has a five in their vitality and they drink a Numbing Syrup they would heal for five health as it has a multiplier of one.

    Health potions provide minor supernatural healing, but they can't heal wounds or relieve pain, unlike tonics. Whereas tonics only relieve pain from wounds and prevent you from passing out from the pain.

    Nimgrin Syrup

    A milky cream-white syrup potion that when consumed heals for two times the character’s vitality and has a semisweet earthy berry flavor.

    Numbing Syrup

    One of the most basic health potions available, it is a reddish-brown milky potion that, when consumed, heals for equal to the character’s vitality. It has a semi-sweet earthy berry flavor that, when drinking it causes the tongue to have a slight tingly feeling.

    Murky Mucus

    This health potion has a translucent green color. While it goes down thick like syrup is heals for three times the character’s vitality. It causes the tongue to tingle slightly and has a semi-sweet taste.

    Red Water

    The deep red liquid of this potion heals for four times the character’s vitality. It has an earthy grass taste.

    Radiant Bane

    This health potion is rated to be the strongest healing toxin ever made, as it restores ten times the character’s vitality in health when consumed. It has a white milky coloring and a chalky paste like flavor and texture.


    This potion of healing swiftness heals you for half your vitality and grants a +10ft. bonus movement. It has a duration of 30 seconds. It has a yellowish color with a very sweet taste.

    Medical Supplies

    Angel Wings

    A liquid substance that revives a person who is dying. Angel Wings come in a small injector and must be injected into the heart of the dying person. When injected, the person comes back to life with ten health. See death in the game rules chapter for more information.

    This item got its name from the small white vapors that escape the revived person’s mouth as they come back to the living.

    Angel’s Grace

    An injectable liquid that causes a target with the dying condition to stabilize as if succeeding on an apothecary check. The time the target remains stable is doubled. Additionally, it can be used to awaken a target who has passed out from pain. It releaves three pain when used.


    Bandages can be applied in combat to get a small amount of health restored or stop the bleeding condition of wounds. In addition, they can keep broken ribs in place by wrapping them tightly around the torso. Broken ribs heal at the same rate as using a splint.

    For basic damage, they can help restore more health when applied during a rest. Adding healing salve increases the amount of healing the bandage gives. See resting later in this chapter for more information.

    Frostbite Salve

    Cures the condition of frostbite. The salve must be applied to the area of the body that has been affected by frostbite.

    Healing Salve

    Helps slash, and piercing wounds heal faster. Grants an additional healing when used in combat with a bandage.

    In addition, the salve can be applied before bandages during a rest period to gain additional healing based on the rest you are taking.

    Medical Kit

    This kit is a leather bag that contains ten bandages, ten healing salves, two splints, and enough needle and thread for ten sutures. The bag is not waterproof.

    Needle and Thread

    Needle and thread are used to suture wounds caused by slashing and piercing weapons. While they aren’t used in combat for extra healing, they can be used during rests to gain additional healing. See resting later in this chapter for more information.


    Splints are used to set bones that have been broken. When you break a bone, it takes ten days to heal with no medical treatment. Using a splint reduces the time to heal by half. It also decreases the movement penalty if a leg has been broken to -5ft., instead of the standard -10ft.

    Surgical Tools

    These are specific hand tools used to perform surgical procedures.

    Mutation Serums

    Mutation serums are alchemical potions that grant temporary power and boosts. However, once they wear off, the character must deal with the negative side effects.

    When consuming a serum, they can either be injected using an injector syringe or drank. The difference is that injectors are one time use as the spring breaks once activated. They are a free action if stored in an easy access area or one action if anywhere else on your person (two injectors can fit in a single slot on a potion belt or belt pouch). Drinking the serum uses standard actions based on their location on your person but are slightly less expensive and the bottles can be reused.

    The serums are made using a mixture of herbal ingredients and sometimes energy. The character can consume them without worrying about the daily potion limit because of their negative and altering effects.

    Multiple Consumptions

    Consuming multiple serums multiplies the bonus they provide by however many are consumed. However, the aftereffects are also multiplied by the same amount.

    Brute Strength

    Consumed, this serum increases the muscle mass of the character, giving them +2 might and skills (including instincts) associated with it for one minute. Once the serum’s duration expires, they suffer two fatigue.

    Dark Gaze

    A unique serum that grants night vision to whoever consumes it. The night vision lasts for two hours.

    Once the serum wears off, you suffer -2 to perception checks and your vision is blurry for one hour. The vision granted by this potion does not stack with other vision types.

    Eagle Eyes

    This vision serum gives the consumer enhanced vision for two hours. Once the serum wears off, you suffer -2 to perception checks and your vision is blurry for one hour. The vision granted by this potion does not stack with other vision types.

    Feline Dexterity

    Consuming this serum gives the character +2 agility and skills (including instincts) associated with it for one minute. Once the serum’s duration expires, they suffer two fatigue.

    Mage Tonic

    Consuming this serum, the character gains +2 channeling, skills associated to it, and spell difficulty for one minute. Once the serums duration has expired, they suffer two fatigue.

    Owl’s Wit

    Consuming this serum gives the character +2 mental and skills associated with it for one minute. Once the serums duration expires, they suffer two fatigue and have a migrane.

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