Combat: Advantage Attack

The basics of an advantage attack is to attack an opponent using a counter action when they are not engaged with you or at all and are leaving your melee weapon range. If they are engaged with you, then you cannot make an advantage attack on them, unless specified.

Advantage attacks can only be made with melee weapons unless you have compressed ready. See Skill Tiers for more information about compressed ready.

Advantage attack = You are engaged with an opponent who is not engaged with you.

There are specific situations that apply on top of the basics, which are listed below.

  • If your target is channeling a spell (that doesn’t have a range of self or touch), regardless of their engagement with you.
  • If a target reloads a crossbow (excluding pistol crossbow), a canister or more than one bullet of an advanced weaponry.
  • If a target is unjamming an arm or other advanced weaponry.
  • If a target is firing a long arm or long bow (excludes blunderbuss) regardless if they are engaged with you.
  • If you have multiple engagements and a target moves past you by entering and then exiting your melee weapons’ attack range.
  • If a target who you are engaged with is retrieving/using an item that is not from an ease access area on their person.
  • If someone with a polearm is being charged at, they can make an attack against the charger before they can complete their attack. The advantage attack considers the bonuses/penalties of charging.
  • If the target is throwing a weapon or item that you are engaged with.
  • If a target you are engaged with switches their focus to another target and are no longer engaged with you. They do not have to leave your melee weapon’s range.


To be engaged with a target means you're in melee combat focused on them and no one else (unless you have multiple engagements). If you try to focus on other targets, you'll leave yourself vulnerable to advantage attacks.

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