Garden Wall

Create a wall constructed from roots and other wooden materials in the ground that has a width of 5ft. The length of the wall can be extended out to a maximum of 30ft. long and 20ft. tall. It can be shaped to create corners or circles. The wall must be connected to the ground and cannot be created midair. Anyone caught in the wall when it is created must make a reaction check or become stuck in the wall. Breaking free from the wall requires a guts check.

Focus Spell
Level: 2
Energy Type: Gaia
Cost: 6
Actions: 2
Difficulty: Reaction/Guts
Duration: 1 minute
Health: 40 (4) per sq. ft.
Max Size: W: 5ft., L: 30ft., H: 20ft.
Range: 30ft.
Special: The wall can be moved up to 10ft. using one action.

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