Gathering Ingredients & Materials

Before you can start crafting, you need to gather the proper ingredients required to create the items. This can be done by either gathering the ingredients yourself or buying it from a merchant.

Knowing how to gather the specific ingredient comes with the crafting mastery related to the ingredients needed for crafting. Apothecary crafting teaches about herbs, while blacksmithing teaches about ores and leather working teaches about leathers and hides. You can only gather ingredients related to the masteries you know.

Some ingredients require tools to gather them properly. Each section explains which tools are required.

When gathering ingredients, you make a harvest check to search the area. The result shows what die is rolled how many ingredients are gathered. The different ingredients have their own tables as to how much can be gathered.

Gathering Amount

The amount of materials gathered is based on an additional dice roll based on your total harvest result. The dice rolled to determine the amount of material or ingredients gathered cannot be chained.

Gathering Time

It takes time to gather ingredients for crafting. This time can be done either during down time or in game, except for ingredients provided by animals or other living creatures that must be hunted. If gathering ingredients during down time, make all the rolls at the start of the next game session.

Herbs, Plants, & Other Ingredients

Herbs and other plants are gathered in what are called parts. Parts are then combined to create alchemical and apothecary concoctions. An exception to that is if looking for vines to use as rope when crafting.

The Harvesting Ingredients table is also used when harvesting from corpses for such ingredients as poison glands, mucus, and other creature substances.

Required Tools: A knife or small blade like a dagger.

Gathering Ingredients

One of the first things that needs to be done when crafting your own apothecary items is to harvest the ingredients (or you can buy them). This is done by going out into the wilderness and making survival checks to find locations for the ingredients you are looking for. This check can be done equal to your crafting per day and is versus a combination of the ingredient’s rarity. To find the search difficulty, add eight plus the rarity.

You Can Search for Ingredients Equal to Your Crafting per Day.
Search Difficulty = 8 + Rarity

Keep in mind that some ingredients cannot be searched for as they must be harvested from creatures. While you can search for specific creatures, it is a hunting survival check based on the game master’s discretion.

Once you have found them, a harvest check is made to determine how many parts you can collect from each ingredient. After you have the results of your harvest check, refer to the table for what die is rolled to determine how many parts have been collected. Only one harvest check is made per ingredient, but multiple survival checks can be made for the same ingredient. At a minimum, a knife or dagger is required to harvest ingredients.

Ingredient Rarity

Ingredients have a rarity that determines how easily it can be found. There are three levels of rarity: common, uncommon, and rare. Common has no bonus added, uncommon adds +3, and rare adds +5 to the search difficulty.

Harvesting Ingredients

Hides & Pelts

Creatures are hunted and their hides and pelts, along with other ingredients, are collected. To do this, you must track them using your survival skill. The game master decides how difficult the hunt will be as each situation and creature are different. The creatures have a list of ingredients as to what can be harvested from them should your hunt be successful.

Typically, leathers and hides are gathered in pounds based on the size of the creature. Refer to the creature’s stat block for how many pounds can be gathered. To determine the harvest amount, a die is rolled to simulate saved and damaged portions during hunting/gathering.


Turning pelts and hides into leather requires the proper masteries to know how to dry and tan them. Tanning requires a long time in order to gain the leather. The more material you have, the longer the process takes to tan. A tanner’s rack is required in order to tan the pelts or hides. They can be created with the following ingredients: 6 wood pieces, 2 parts vine or rope.

For every pound of leather, it takes three times the grade in hours to dry on a tanning rack. So, if you have two pounds of grade two (3-4 oz.) leather, it would take you twelve hours on the tanning rack for it to be ready to craft with it.

(3 hours x grade) x total pounds = Hours required on a tanning rack


Ore is collected in chunks and then smelted down into smelted metal. It takes two chunks to create one pound of metal.

Required Tools: Pickaxe


Wood is collected by chopping down trees or gathering branches and sticks. The wood is then processed depending on what is needed. One log can be broken down into five boards. Boards can be broken down into five pieces. Pieces are used for crafting tools, weapons, and other smaller items. Boards are used for crafting larger objects like wagons, ships, housing, etc.

Required Tools: A wood axe for logs and saws for turning them into boards and pieces.

Boards & Wood Pieces

Boards are created from logs. Roll 1d6 per log to determine how many boards you can successfully make.

There is a minimum amount of boards you can create based on your smith skill. The same is applied when breaking down boards into pieces. A saw is used to break logs into boards and boards into pieces.

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