
Gear Descriptions

Animal Trap

A snare made of metal for trapping animals. It does not kill the animal but only immobilizes them. The small trap can capture creatures of tiny size category (1-3ft.). The large trap is for creatures of small to medium size category (4-7ft.). A triggered animal trap can cause 1d6 damage and if a 5-6 is rolled, it breaks bone.


A cloth or leather bag that has shoulder straps typically carrying on your back. The main bag has small pouches sewn onto it, along with leather straps for a bedroll. It has other areas to attach a hatchet, knife and waterskin.


A bag made from cloth or leather that has a drawstring sewn into the opening in order to close it.


A belt of straps, pouches, or other small containers used for storing items. A bandolier is typically worn over one shoulder and across the chest to the opposite hip. Only two can be worn at a time and they allow for easily access to the items stored on it. Up to five items can be stored in a bandolier, but each cannot be larger than a standard potion bottle.


A circular wooden container with metal bands wrapping the wood to keep it held together. Typically, used to carry liquids or dry goods. Comes in small or large. A small barrel holds eighteen gallons and a large barrel holds thirty-two gallons.


Cloth sewn together and stuffed with straw, silk, or other soft material. Typically, a bedroll is six feet long, three feet wide and about an inch thick.


A small metallic cup that is held upside down. It makes a chime sound when the metal ball hanging inside hits one side. There is a small loop on the top of the bell for it to be hung.

Bionic Voice Box

This special box has different button, and switches that create the noises needed to speak the Bionic language. They are very rare to find outside of the Bionic culture.

Book (blank)

A book containing 50 blank pages. The cover is made of leather.

Brush, Hair

Typically used to straighten hair.


A container used to hold liquid that comes in either metal or wood. For the wooden bucket, there is a handle made of rope, and for the metal bucket, the handle is made of metal.


Wax formed into long, thick circular objects with a flammable string running through the middle of it. It can burn continuously for a day. A single candle produces five feet of light.


A white powdery chunk of rock that, when applied to a hard surface, can make marks.


Charred wood that, when applied to a hard surface, makes dark marks. It can also be used with filter masks to refill the filters.


A container made of material chosen off the materials table. It has a lock and key included.


A small circular piece of metal and glass that has a thin metal strip balancing on a pin in the center. It helps to determine which way is north. Works best when used with a map.

Cooking Utensils

Miscellaneous utensils used in cooking food. Common ones are made of wood, while fine ones are made of silver.


It is a square or rectangular wooden storage container. Comes in small and large sizes.

Cutting Board (Leatherworking)

A flat board that has been sanded down to be smooth in order to provide a solid surface for cutting leather. It can also double as a cutting board for when cooking.


A set of six sided dice.

Deck of Cards

A full deck of playing cards.

Dice Cards

A drinking game that includes four six sided dice and two decks of cards.

Rules of Dice Cards

Roll a 2d6 and add them together. Whoever has the lowest total drinks. Draw and play two cards. Lower cards drink. Any doubles both drink.

Filter Mask

A mask that seals over your face, preventing any air in or out without filtering through the special hole in the mask. This hole can have filters attached to it in order to purify the air before breathing it. There are two kinds of filters for this mask: Scoal filters and standard filters.

Filter, Essence

At the start of every round, the creature using a filter mask with this filter attached restores two essence per round for up to four rounds. The filter functions differently than others I that it has four uses before the restorative properties run out. Regardless of how many uses are left, this filter can be used as a standard filter. Four uses equals one daily potions consumed.

Filter, Healing

At the start of every round, the creature using a filter mask with this filter attached heals for four plus the filter quality grade. So, if using a basic filter, each round would heal four health. However, if using a fine filter, it would heal for eight every round. The filter functions differently than the others because it has eight uses before the healing effects run out. Regardless of how many healing uses, the filter has it can be used as a standard filter. Every four uses is equal to one daily potions consumed.

Filter, Scoal

A canister filled with a mixture of Scoal dust and charcoal that connects to a filter mask. While using this filter, the effects of Scoal negated if only one dose was used. Refilling this filter with more than one dose causes the effects of Scoal to become active. The filter can protect against toxic and mind-altering gases that a typical filter can't. It can be refilled with Scoal and charcoal once depleted. The Scoal makes the charcoal last for thirty days before needing to be refilled or replaced.

To refill a Scoal filter, ten charcoal pieces and one dose of Scoal is needed per filter. The charcoal and Scoal should be ground together in a mortar and pestle before being poured into the filter.

Filter, Standard

A canister filled with charcoal that connects to a filter mask. Must be replaced or refilled after ten days of use. Refilling a standard filter requires twenty pieces of charcoal ground in a mortar and pestle before pouring into the filter.

Fishing Net

10 sq. ft. netting that can catch large amounts of fish.

Fishing Rod

A bamboo or wood pole with a thin wire attached to it. The end of the wire has a metal hook attached.

Fishing Tackle

hooks, bobbers, and other odds and ends used when fishing.


A small metal container that holds liquid, particularly alcohol. It holds the equivalent of four shots of alcohol.

Flat Iron

This is a thick flat piece of iron with a handle. Typically used to iron out wrinkles in clothing.

Flint & Steel

The flint and steel are used to start fires. What you decide to light on fire is your call.

Grappling Hook

A grappling hook is a metal hook with three points. Typically, it is attached to rope before throwing it in order to climb with it.

Groover (Leatherworking)

Groovers are used to make a groove in the leather along a straight line.

Spacer (Leatherworking)

Spacers can measure an even distance between the individual stitches.

Beveler (Leatherworking)

With a beveler, you can round off the uneven edges of any piece of leather.

Heavyweight Needle (Leatherworking)

A thick heavy needle used to stitch through leather.

Heavyweight Thread (Leatherworking)

Thread that is thicker and more durable than standard sewing thread, which is used in leatherworking to stitch together leather.


A leather container designed to hold a gun. It can be attached to a belt to hold smaller guns or your back to hold larger guns.


An hourglass is a wood and glass container with sand in it. When it is tipped over the sand drizzles down to the other side through a small opening.

Ink Pen

A small metal tube that holds a small amount of ink and has a metal ink quill attached to one end. A cap is twisted on the quill end to keep the ink from drying. Hold 1/4th of an inkwell.

Ink Quill

Used to apply ink to parchment or whatever else you feel like writing on.


This is used to write things typically on parchment using an ink quill or ink pen. The ink is black and comes in a one-ounce inkwell.


A ten-foot-long wooden device used to climb up or across things.


A lamp is a small shiny metal plate with a finger handle for stability. The plate has a small spike in the center that a candle can be placed on. The metal plate reflects the light of the candle, increasing the candle’s light radius to 10 ft.

Lamp, Orb

A finely crafted lamp that can hold up to twenty orbs. Often used by nobles to light rooms. A special shade is included that blocks the orb’s light when the light is not needed. Produces light based on how many orbs are in the lamp.


A metal framed glass box with a handle on the top. Oil can be filled inside the compartment within the box. The oil can then be lit to produce a light source. Its light radius is 20 ft. The oil lasts a month with continuous use.

Lantern Oil

A bottle of oil used to fuel a standard lantern. One bottle has enough oil to fill a single lantern.

Lantern, Bullseye

A special lantern designed to point in a single direction but gives more range on the light radius. Produces a ten-foot cone of light that extends outward for thirty feet. It uses lantern oil for fuel.

Lantern, Hooded

A lantern with a metal hood on top that keeps the light off the carrier’s face. Provides 40 feet of light for 6 hours and can be refilled with lantern oil.


A mechanism for keeping a door, lid, etc., fastened, typically operated only by a key of a form. There are different qualities of locks. Each quality provides greater security in preventing the lock from being removed without its key. Each lock has a difficulty rating indicated in the “DR” column for when attempting to use lock picks.


A pair of metal shackles connected by a short chain and are used for fastening someone’s hands or ankles. They are commonly used for prisoners and slaves.

Map, Known World

Parchment with the known world drawn on it. If you use a map to find your location, you get a +2 bonus on survival checks. Only commonly known information is presented on the map.

Map, Region

Parchment that has a single region or kingdom of the world drawn on it. If you use a map to find your location, you get a +2 bonus on survival checks. Only commonly known information is presented on the map.


A shiny reflective piece of glass with a solid back that is held in a fancy frame.

Orb Pouch

A pouch designed to hold orbs so that their light is hidden. This pouch can hold 100 orbs.

Orb Pouch, Mail

Ring mail pouch that goes inside an orb pouch. Outer Orb pouch can be removed to create a source of light. This pouch can hold 100 orbs and can be attached to a belt in order to free up your hands.


A flat thin material made from the skin of an animal that is typically used for writing. Typically, it is a rectangular shape. Scrolls and books are made from this.

Parchment Tube

A leather-bound tube used to store parchment, scrolls or maps in order to keep them safe from weather.


A pencil is a small piece of circular wood with charcoal running down the center.

Pipe, Smoking

A pipe used for smoking elder leaf and other substances that are smoked.

Pony/Clam (Leatherworking)

Like a vice or a clip, these tools are used to keep your leather project in place.

Potion Bottles (empty)

A standard bottle commonly used for storing healing elixirs. The average size is about eight inches tall with a base of four inches wide.

Potion Belt

A belt designed to hold four potions on the waist for easy access.


A small container made of either cloth or leather.

Pouch, Belt

A small container made of either cloth or leather that has a flap to cover the opening and can be attached to a belt. It can hold one small object or multiple coins. A belt can hold up to four pouches simultaneously.

Punch (Leatherworking)

A small oval chisel that punches holes in leather when used with a hammer.

Quick Fly Belt

This belt holds throwing weapons. When wearing this belt, drawing is part of the attack action when throwing them and it only costs one free action to draw (but not throw) two of them. Throwing them still requires the normal actions.


A long leather tube used to hold arrows or bolts. One quiver can hold 20 arrows or bolts.

Quiver, Segmented

A quiver that is split into two compartments in order to divide up the arrows.

Commonly used when specialized arrows and normal arrows are used together. Assassins commonly use this quiver with filling the bottom of one compartment with poison.


Using rope for climbing gives a +4 to the athletics check.

Rope, Hempen

Inexpensive coarse rope.

Rope, Silk

A soft fine rope that is stronger and more durable than hempen rope.

Rope, Spider Thread

High-quality rope made from the spider thread material. It is hard to cut and the strongest rope is available.

Rusatu (Coin Stick)

A small square stick made of either generic wood or metal that can hold up to one-hundred coins (tsu). The rusatu can slide into the square hole in a coin to hold them secure. Each rusatu comes with two end caps that snap onto the ends of the stick to prevent coins from falling off.


A sack is a cloth or leather container to store random goods in. Comes in small and large sizes.


Used to make riding animals, such as horses, easier. Saddles give a +1 to the pilot skill checks when riding animals.

Sewing Needle

Used with sewing thread to repair or make clothing.

Sewing Thread

Used with a sewing needle to repair or make clothing. Each spindle contains 100ft. of thread.

Signet Ring

A special ring that has a special crest or seal on it. A crest or seal that represents a family.


A small block made of lard and oil with a rectangular shape. It is used to get the grit of adventure life off you. Also, it helps you not smell.

Spark Stone

A small stone that when tapped against a hard surface causes a small spark.

Stuffed Animal

A representation of an animal made of cloth. Typically, preferred by the younger generation.


Set of plates, bowls, tankards, eating utensils. Common sets are made of wood while exquisite and fine are made from metal.


A small container used to put beverages in before drinking them from said container. Common tankards are made from wood, while exquisite and fine ones are made from metals.

Tea Pot

Used to brew tea leaves in water to make a tasty and healthy drink. Made from metal.


Wooden poles and rope with cloth canvas that, when put together, creates a basic shelter. Comes in three sizes, single, double and full; or try out tentception by putting a single, in a double, in a triple and enjoy the comfort.


A wooden stick that has a flammable substance on one end. The torch provides a light that extends twenty feet when ignited.

Toy, Wooden

An animal, sword, blocks or other items made of wood.


A small glass or metal container that can hold one part of a substance.

Water Canister

A metal container used to hold water. Can hold double that of a waterskin but is bulkier.


A pouch made from leather or animal hide with a small opening for drinking. It is used to hold about one two days’ worth of water.


A smooth stone used to sharpen blades. Can repair slashing weapons that have lost one durability. If more than one durability is lost, it cannot repair the weapon. A single whetstone has twenty uses before it becomes useless. Every five uses with this item lowers the blades maximum durability by one. See repairing in the crafting chapter for more information.

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