Healing & Resting


When your health has been reduced from its maximum, you are wounded and require healing. There are many forms of healing in this game; herbal healing, heal spells, medical supplies, or natural healing. Temporary health isn't healing since it can harm you more and disappears after a while.

Refer to the apothecary section of the marketplace chapter for more information about medical supplies. To know more about magical healing, refer to the magic and spells chapters.

Herbal Healing

This type of healing is done through mixing herbs in order to create potions which are typically named after the herbs used in the potion's brewing. All potions are crafted by physicians and sold at an apothecary, but you can craft your own with the right mastery. The different herbs and plants used determine the strength of the potion.

Be warned, as only five can be consumed in a day before they make you sick with herbal sickness.

Energetics Healing

Energetic healing can provide remedies that herbs cannot. Energetic healing is done through spells, and they vary in strength and purpose. The heal spell restores health, while the cure spell removes ailments such as poison, dazed, petrification, and others. The difference between all other forms of healing and energetic healing is that the only limit to how many times you can be healed with energetics is the channeler’s essence.

Using the Mend Organics spell on wounds can restore them back to their original state and limbs can be reattached. This is the only way to have a broken back wound healed.

Medical Supplies

When you get a critical wound, or want to help speed up natural healing, medical supplies such as bandages, salves, splints, and needle and thread can be used.

There are two ways to use medical supplies for healing. One way is during combat they can stop bleeding effects, wrap broken ribs to lessen the penalty, or splint broken bones. Using them in combat provides a small amount of healing when applied, but nowhere near as much as herbal or energetic healing. The second way is during rest periods in which you can properly take your time to clean and mend your wounds. The more medical supplies used when resting, the more healing you get.

See resting later in this chapter for more information. The medical supplies section in the marketplace chapter has more information about each individual item.

Natural Healing

Naturally, healing requires time and rest. How long you rest determines how much healing you gain. Rests are explained later in this section. However, naturally healing wounds take more than just resting. While healing a wound, you continue to suffer the penalties of the wound until fully healed. Each type of wound that can be naturally healed takes in game time to heal.

Wound Healing

Wounds differ from standard damage as they cause a severe injury on the target’s body. If these wounds are not treated, they can lead to infection and death. There are three different wounds.

Check out the Combat: Wounds article for details on wounds.


During your travels, you will need to take periodic rest stops in order to recover from travel fatigue and other situations. There are 2 different rest periods based on how long you take to rest.

Resting comprises performing activities that do not involve any physical or mental tasks that are strenuous. Rest periods should involve things that are relaxing and for sleep.

When healing during a rest period, you cannot increase your health or essence beyond their maximum.

Extended Rests

During resting periods, it is possible to repair equipment should you have the proper tools and material. If choosing to make repairs during a rest, the duration of the rest increases based on the time the repairs would take. The crafting section shows how long each type of repair takes based on repair rolls.


A breather is a rest that takes two to four hours. The following are the benefits you gain for taking a breather:

Healing Using Medical Supplies

Only one of the following combinations of medical supplies can be used per breather, as the effects do not stack.

Full Rest

A full rest takes eight to ten hours and involves sleeping for about six to eight of those hours.

Healing Using Medical Supplies

Only one of the following combinations of medical supplies can be used per full rest, as the effects do not stack.

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