Murder of Crows

You summon a flock of crows to attack your enemy. Anyone caught in the murder takes damage and is distracted as long as they remain in the murder. Moving out of the murder is standard movement.

If the spell is activated on a target, they make a reaction check to move out of the way. Otherwise, anything that moves into the murder takes the indicated damage. If the murder moves into the space of another, they take the indicated damage for as long as they are in the murder.

Using one action, you can command the crows to move a maximum distance of twenty feet per turn.

Focus Spell
Level: 2
Energy Type: Gaia
Cost: 6
Actions: 2/1
Damage: 1d8 + vitality
Damage Type: Piercing
Duration: 30 seconds
Range: 30ft.
Special: Using one action, the murder can be moved up to 20ft.
Targets: AoE, 5ft. sphere

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