
When repairing equipment, you are restoring its durability closer to its original condition. Depending on what you’re attempting to repair will vary based on which crafting mastery you have learned. You must learn how to work the material being used to repair them properly.

There are multiple material types used for repairing: cloth, fur, leather, and metal. Each material type used in the repair has their own duration for how long it takes to repair. Some materials cannot be repaired by normal means and require energetics to repair.

Depending on the item being repaired, roll either a smith or tech smith check and compare it to the proper table based on the material type being used. While repairing, if the item’s durability reaches zero, it can no longer be repaired as it is destroyed.

Durability in Square Feet

To estimate damage in square feet, you can use the conversion of one durability damage equals approximately one square foot of damage. This doesn’t mean that the entire square foot is damaged, just that part, or most of it is.


It’s only natural that it takes time to repair equipment. However, it’s also understandable that characters would want to repair during their downtime. If making repairs during downtime, repair rolls should be made before the next game session starts.

Maximum Durability Loss

Each time an item is repaired, its maximum durability is reduced by one. This loss is not applied to items made from grade eight materials. Whetstones reduce the items’ maximum durability by one every five uses.

Rest Period Repairs

When attempting to repair during a rest period, only cloth, fur, and leather can be repaired. Metal repair needs a forge and can only happen during rest or downtime if a forge is available. If repairing during a rest period, the repair’s duration is added to the rest period, extending its duration.

Repairing Special Material

Special materials require energetics to be repaired. See special materials in the marketplace chapter for descriptions of each type of special material.

Obsidian and stone are only considered special as they cannot be repaired normally like standard materials. The other special materials cannot be repaired normally because of their unique properties.

Repairing Cloth & Fur Items

Cloth covers any material that is woven from fibers such as linen and wool. Fur covers any material made using animal pelts that isn’t leather.

Required Tools: Sewing needles and thread

Repairing Leather Items

Leather covers any material from an animal pelt that isn’t fur, such as leather armor.

Required Tools: Leatherworking tools

Repairing Metal Items

Metals cover any material that originates from ore or hardened material that is not cloth, fur, leather, or wood.

Required Tools: A forge or portable forge and smithy tools.

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