Sentient Roots

This spell allows you to grow sentient roots that you control. The roots form in the shape of either a humanoid or an animal. The roots grow fast and take the shape you want. They disconnect from the ground and become independent during the spell. When the spell ends, they deconstruct and sink back into the ground. If destroyed, they break apart and wither.

The roots have their own actions, initiative, and movement. They have three actions and can think on their own, but share your instincts. When created, their initiative starts in the following round.

Level: 3
Energy Type: Gaia
Cost: 10
Actions: 2
Duration: 1 minutes
Instances: 1
Range: 5ft.

Root Stats
Accuracy: Channeler’s magic attack
Attack: Claws
Actions: 3
Damage: 1d10 + channeler’s vitality
Damage Type: Slashing
Defense: Channeler’s defense
Health: 4 x channeler’s vitality
Initiative: Equal to the channelers
Instincts: Same as the channelers
Movement: 30ft.

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