

*Natural Protection: This is the animal’s natural ability to defend themselves. Adding barding (Armor) increases this protection.


A desert animal with fatty deposits, known as humps, on its back. They cannot pull vehicles.

Draft Horse

A horse trained to pull vehicles but moves slower than a standard horse.


A donkey or mule trained to pull vehicles. Typically, inexpensive farm animals but move much slower than other draft animals.


Castrated adult male cattle trained as a draft animal. The castration helps control the animal.

Riding Horse

Standard riding horse that has been trained to be rode and have increased movement speed. They cannot pull vehicles.

War Wolf

A wolf trained to be ridden by smaller creatures. Creatures of medium size or larger cannot ride war wolves.

Tack & Saddles

*All saddles give a +1 to pilot checks while riding.


Armor designed for horses. When equipping your mount with armor, choose an armor from the armor list that fully covers the body. This armor can be changed by a blacksmith to fit your mount. The cost for mounted armor is an additional sixty gold coins.

When the mount is equipped with armor, their defense changes to the armor’s defense plus the mount’s natural defense.

Bit, Bridle & Reins

The head harness and bar that goes on a horse’s head and in their mouth. The reins are attached to the bridle and the whole device is used to control the horse. This gives a +1 to pilot checks when riding your mount.

Saddle, Combat

This saddle is used in mounted combat. It provides extra a +1 protection to your lower half and gives you lucky rolls when making pilot checks.

Saddle, Custom

This saddle is used for custom mounts such as flying, aquatic, or other unique mounts.

Saddle, Pack

This saddle holds more gear than other saddles. It gives an additional fifty pounds’ worth of space but does not allow for a rider.

Saddle, Standard

This saddle is a common everyday saddle.


Leather bags, designed to rest on each side of a mount's rear end. These bags provide an additional fifty pounds’ worth of space each.


Speed of vehicles is based on the draft animal pulling it. Vehicles that require multiple animals do not have their speed multiplied.


A four-wheeled passenger vehicle pulled by one draft animal.


A basic two-wheeled cart that requires a draft animal to pull it.


A two-wheeled passenger cart that can hold up to two people comfortably. It is designed for increased speed and is pulled by two draft animals.

Steam Wagon

A four-wheeled metal vehicle that is powered by steam instead of needing draft animals. It requires two large steam canisters to run. The wagon consumes one burst of steam per mile.

The wagon comes with undercarriage compartments that can hold four spare large steam canisters.


A four-wheeled vehicle pulled by one draft animal.

Wagon, Armored

This wagon has been reinforced with metal plates, allowing for extra protection while traveling. Requires two draft animals to pull it.

Wagon, Covered

A standard wagon that has a cloth canvas covering requires a draft animal to pull it.

Wagon, Metal

A wagon made completely of metal. It is extremely durable and provides extreme protection, but requires four draft animals to pull it.

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