Cleft District

Bustling commercial district home to the city's up and coming merchant class, most often those who do not have a guild allegiance or those new to the city but not the business. The bright slate roofs of this district make it easy to identify from the City Walls, even though very few of the buildings are taller than two stories. The most affluent of merchants have been able to pay the 'spire tax' in order to build their properties taller than two floors, which is why the Cleft district stands out amongst the other civilian districts which almost exclusively keep to one or two above ground. The diversity of this district also breeds an environment of opportunity which many different ilks take advantage of: mercenaries, prostitutes and guild recruiters all keep a close eye for possible customers. Its closeness to the Warrens has also bred somewhat of a dependence of each on the other: the Warrens sells on the waste from Cleft, and Cleft employs the best workers from the Warrens in their sweatshops or warehouses. Without the Warrens, Cleft would slowly run out of manual labourers and cheap labour. Whereas without Cleft, the Warrens would most likely become a hotspot for crime as trade and traffic decreased.
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