Girith's Final War Speech

The day was old, with the light fading, and the dust settling over the battlefield. Amongst the wreckage stood, lay and sat men whose lives had been uprooted by ambition, laid waste by recklessness, but saved by assuredness. Not one of those men scattered across the moor would have chosen any other course given the chance, though the price for Girith's plans lay about them in the corpses of their friends.   Girith knew little of this, but knew that his hope for a united people had finally been achieved with the destruction of the Ogres of the Low Moors. Seeing the diaspora of desperation set before him, he took up his sword and stood upon the ogre's leader, Man Krakka. Here, he began,   "Warriors, countrymen, My countrymen, we stand here in what we have won, and what we have lost. I, for one, see here amongst the dead not a single coward or fickle heart. We who remain are like those who do not: steadfast. So we shall remain.   Fear not, for the fight is over, our people safe- united, and this is down to you men. Let it be known that you who have survived my errors are hardier than any who may come after you!   Fear not for your future in my service, for now I ask only one more thing of you all: go, return to your fields so that they may lay further foundations on the ones you have laid here.   Your comrades are the first foundation: the cornerstone of the nation that is to come. Let your fields, your steads, your children, be the next. I see before me the most deserving of that honour after all.   I plead with you, then, that none of you return to this place which for many has been their journey's end. I beg that you return to your loved ones who have even now been reaping the rewards you've sewn from afar in these fields of blood. Now, return to your fields, now that they be ones of gold and good.   Farewell!"


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