Gwendorian Territories

  • all the side bar stuff needs a new home under governance, not here.
  • this article needs to serve as an introduction to the Gwendorian territories, so a commentary on the cultural diversity and geographical areas
  • Type
    Geopolitical, Lordship
    Ruling Organization
    Leader Title
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    Legislative Body
    There is no formally seperated legislative body across Gwendor, with the responsibilities shared amongst the three largest components of its government: the High Council, the Lordship and the legislative parts of the Astraticus.
    Executive Body
    The Executive branch of the Lordship is, like much of the empire's system, split into two: local and national. On a local level, the source of enforcement of a region reflects its local history: northern territories answer to the Cairn Chiefs, while southern regions are under semi-martial rule of the Lord's Watch. This split illustrates the uneasy dual power that is present in every aspect of Gwendorian governence: the Cairn Clans, and the Lordship. The Clans enforce the rules of the Lordship in the Northern territories, with punitive powers being granted to chiefs for their loyalty to the Lordship. However, in the south, where the social structures of the Marches were razed to the ground during their occupation, the Lordship does enforcement itself through the Lord's Watch, a state-run militia comprised of professional and volunteer soldiers.   Therefore, the offical executive body can be said to be the Lord of Gwendor, to whom the Lord's Watch answer and the Cairn Chiefs owe alliegence. In this vein, the Lord of Gwendor chooses which chiefs are given local power, and how much. It is well within the Lord's power to have a cheif removed from office and have the Lord's Watch replace them, but this often casues widespread distain and sometimes violence as many people still identify with local powers rather than the Lordship as a source of legitimacy.
    Controlled Territories

    Articles under Gwendorian Territories


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