House Dorröchk

"Their history is prehaps more illustrious than any House, yet their tales and tomes are overshadowed by those of Gwerrith. Nevertheless, their repuation as 'The Right Hand House' has stood the test of time, even if there are those amongst their ranks that dream of the tower's return to power. The dockyards and stoneworks of Dorröchk built this Lordship: has a great hall ever given thanks for its foundations? Or stood without them?" - Foegronn Telman, The Murmur Scribe, celebrated chronicler and historian of clan and House history, proffessor at Tome's Keep University

Dorröchk is a best known as the historic adversary of the clans of House Gwerrith; it was they were fought most in the Cairn Wars before the formation of Houses. Their narrative is best understood through the lens of the age-old rivalry between the clans that compose the two Houses. In modern times, the supremacy and ubiquity of the House system has calmed and formalised this rivalry, fashioning Dorröchk as the lesser of a constant two-beast power struggle. The history of House Dorröchk begins in the clans that fled west to escape Gwerrithian attacks in the Basin region, most of whom held the grudge after their defeat in the first Cairn Wars. These clans were the first to settle and urbanise, as the abundant forests, and the great Twevlellian Estuary provided ample resources for the fleeing clans to bloom into a society of their own. These groups went on to form distinct traditions and practises, quite separate from the rest of the region now called Central Gwendor. The main differences that set Dorröchk culture apart were their comparative affinity for sailing, trade and civic cohesion. To many historians of the period, Dorröhaven was the first true city state: an autonomous area defended from external threat by high walls which were, in turn, themselves crucial to civic identity and governance.

With this in mind, it becomes clear why Dorröchk became a House. The strict social and cultural divisions on which the House system are based had already taken natural root in Dorröhaven- the city was already a 'House' unto itself before the concept had been formulated. However, there was no smooth transition of power in which Dorröchk could be born as the pioneering and dominant organisation, as the ongoing rivalry between Dorröchk and Gwerrith was eventually repaid by Gwerrithian spite. In the Seige of Dorröhaven, the great city was razed to the ground after two years of brutal fighting. In its aftermath, Dorröhaven was left barren and stripped of anything that had not burned. Its people were effectively pacified, and Dorröhaven would never again possess the power to operate independently. This event was key in shattering the bond between people and city that the inhabitants of Dorröhaven enjoyed- a loyalty that superceded any other. Many of those who survived migrated north and south, founding communities along the coast, and in the Thornpassage Veil, further scattering those loyal to Dorröhaven. Those who stayed rebuilt the home city as best they could, but the scales has been forever weighted: the Dorröhaven of today is but a shadow of what it once was. Nevertheless, the traditions and lore of Dorröchk survived, and these remaining citizens formed the founding families of House Dorröchk. In this way, House Dorröchk has preserved the ancestral home of Dorröhaven city, to which its people feel a connection unique amongst Houses, which are comprised of comparatively loose alliances of families from a variety of localities.

In view of this, the story of House Dorröchk is one of grim acceptance, and an ongoing struggle to re-establish itself as a force to be reckoned with. However, there are leading figures within the House who believe that cooperation with Gwerrith is the best course of action, leading to cruel infighting within the House leadership. This, combined with the impacts of the The Magnate's Revolt on Dorröhaven's port-dependant industries has left House Dorröchk an imbittered organisation. Regardless of this, the House has been able to revive itself, basing the modern rebirth in the archaic aspirations of a Dorröchkian city state. As such, the House's internal structure is far more formal and institutional than any other.

The House has worked to recreate the administrative insulation and indepenence that their city enjoyed in times past, and this is reflected in the near total control that the House has over public institutions. Whether it's schooling, trade regulation or law and order, one of the House Families takes responsibility for its undertaking and maintainance. These arrangements have been criticised by some as being conducive to a mafia-like administration, but the inhabitants of the city regulary vote in these groups through democratic means, and the relationship between government and citizen is markedly more symbiotic and cooperative. All this is attributed to the culture of autonomy and collective struggle that has risen from the ruins of the old city- the same culture that often keeps outsiders out of the city's political posts on account of their percieved lack of loyalty to the city.

In this way, both and House and City are indivisable: each grew from the other, while each protects the interests of the other. This said, influence beyond the city walls is limited as the reality of Gwerrith's supremacy permeates all other regions and institutions. With the exception, that is, of the navy, whose seat of power has been and will likely always be Dorröhaven and the naval families of House Dorröchk. The situation this creates is one of a tentative balance wherein one controls foreign trade, while the other controls internal trade. This balance has mostly endured, with a couple of notable interruptions during which one House briefly outdid the other. However, on the subject of trade, the two Houses are equal.
"They're a strange lot. Their men pledge to a city, while their women raise bookish children. Despite this, martial tradition is not lacking, and these people are as proud as any, even if their pride is found in a city rather than the Lord's Seat." - Skylar Harald-Gerwin, Privateer of the Lord's Fleet.
Geopolitical, Great house
Alternative Names
The Right Hand House, The Tower House
Controlled Territories


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