House Gwerrith

"A people of pride, of purpose, whose history spans from the banks of the Twelvellian River to the glens of the Wandering Territories. Classically set in dark hair, a familial Gwerrithian is discernible from the general populace as a beacon of steadfast, stoic tradition etched in angular facial features. Do not let this dullness of wit be perceived as a lack of pragmatism, as anyone unlucky enough to be thrown into the chaos of war can rely on the adaptability of a Gwerrithian." - Chronicler Marcus III, Son of Marcus Quillbeard

The official birth of House Gwerrith came with Girith's establishment of the Lordship, but the House of Gwerrith has its roots in the Cairn Clan allainces that predate Gwendor's beginning. 'Gwerrith' is a name associated with one of the two major cairn alliances that formed during the Cairn Wars. The group of tribes that united under this banner became a force to be reckoned with during these wars, and in their aftermath emerged as the dominant power of the Twevlellian Basin region- both north and south of the river. This power consolidated as clans of Gwerrith supported Girith in his unification of the clans, and once the unification was complete, the cheiftains of Gwerrith reaped most of the rewards in the form of more territory and members as defeated clans were absorbed into larger regional powers.

Eventually, the land and power of these chieftains became legitimised by time and stability, making control of these regions birthrights as the tribal culture gave way to an age of Earldoms and family feuds. In the midst of this new age of powerbrokering, Gelid Broadbane- Girith's successor- saw to it that the families that supported his father remained in place, and other loyal estates were bolstered, while troublesome families were quietly picked apart by years of cloak-and-dagger repossessions ordered by Gelid. As a dust settled, there remained only four Houses: collections of families bonded by clan and blood. The most powerful of these houses was House Gwerrith, as the Lord's favoured house, but the long-standing local power of the other three houses keeps Gwerrith from absorbing the whole Lordship- even among houses there is respect for traditional seats of power. In modern times, House Gwerrith has become the custodian of the most important parts of Gwendor's government and history. Gwerrith is thus also known as the Sword and Quill House denoting its role as protector and archivist amongst the other houses.

House Gwerrith is the largest of the four in all metrics: economic power, levy size and political station to name a few. However, these powers exist only within the Lordship, as Gwerrith holds no legitimacy to act beyond the borders of Gwendor in its own name. Instead, it must act- as all houses must- as the representitive of the Lord, making it stringently accountable to the Lord and the The High Council of Gwendor, which is comprised of leaders from all four houses. Nevertheless, prominent members of House Gwerrith often hold their allegience highly and proudly when abroad, leading many unfamilair with Gwendor to confuse the Lordship with House Gwerrith itself.
The Sword and Quill House
"A stout and proud people: both fathers and fruits of the land in which they dwell. Their blue banners herald the coming of judgement incarnate, so is the fate of any who stand against them." - A dwarf of Ragar's Scrappers, a mercenary group that served alongside Gwerrith troops in the Marches.   Ragar's Scrappers are not the only mercenary group to serve alongside soldiers of House Gwerrith, as many groups have been employed and impressed with their fighting companions. Such a reputation for ruthlessness has made Gwerrith the premium employer for battleline mercenaries up and down the continent. Many opponents of Gwerrith see this popularity amongst 'dishonourable fighters' as akin to a curse, arguing that the mantle of "The Sword and Quill House" refers instead to Gwerrith's cheap soul and deep pockets, and not their proud guardianship of Gwendor's traditions and history.
Geopolitical, Great house
Government System
Economic System
Gwerrith's role as custodian and book-keeper has led to many of its members becoming leading figures in various universities and schools across the Lordship, most notably in Gwendor, Lords Redoubt and Thornpassage where the largest libraries and academies are. Of the five major universities in the Thornpassage Veil, three have Gwerrithian Chancellors, and four have Gwerrithian Wardens.   House Gwerrith has numerous founding families, the blood of whom still flows strong in Gwendor, these include:
  • Harald
  • Volkmar
  • Gerwin
  • Düngal
  • People with these family names are likely to be descended from the original founding families, or related closely. As a result, their alliegance is most often to House Gwerrith.

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