
The Kilnkin are the under appreciated workhorse community of Gwendor, being uprooted from their homes in the Marches by Seriticus, and being corralled into new urban centres through slavery, starvation or choice. Regardless of the reason behind their migration, the gnomes and hill dwarves of the Kilnkin have provided Gwendor’s growing cities with a workforce unmatched in endurance and ingenuity as the long traditions of pottery, masonry and earth-working nurtured in the Marches have translated into sought after skills for urban development and design. However, it would be reductive to assume that Kilnkin can only be found in the lower rungs of society, as many can be found amongst the most prestigious architects, engineers and jewellers. However, this proud legacy has a dark side of exploitation at the hands of negligent officials to whom Kin are worth less than the bricks they make. This animosity dates back to the time of Seriticus when Kilnkin were first driven north in search of new homes, or sold to foremen as slave labour.   As a result, it’s gnomes and dwarves that will be seen working the kilns on the outskirts of cities, giving them their name. Not only this, but Kilnkin can be found on almost every building site across Gwendor as their skills with clay and rock alike make them invaluable workers. This wide spreading of Kilnkin has given previously impoverished communities chances to grow in their new homes as the urban sprawl spreads east, and with it the demand for masons and labourers. Due to this, a trend of eastward migration has been seen amongst the poorest Kilnkin in hope of finding a long-term building project through which they can obtain financial security away from the crowded old cities out west.
“Our bones? The bricks. Our blood? The mortar. Our reward? Ashes”- Kilnkin saying in relation to Gwendor's great cities.
This sentiment of resentment fuels many communities, especially in Lords Redoubt, to the point where whole streets will show open contempt for any law-enforcement that graces their pavements- some to the point where areas have been declared no-go zones for low-gear patrols. This feeling originates in the complex host of reasons for the Kilnkin's migration northward. Some were forced north through slavery, other through starvation or destitution, others still travelled north willingly, seeing opportunities in the cities of Gwendor.    Regardless of the reason their ancestors came north, many contemporary Kilnkin hope to see their position improved, and their status elevated. Sadly, this drive has given rise to a preponderance of pickpockets, burglars and con artists amongst Kilnkin groups as committed ambition meets social immobility: the result of which is innovative and illegal activities. As such, the repertoire of Kilnkin ranges every stratus of society, from crooks and brickies, to jewellers and architects.
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