Morellia Livel, the Sculptress

"The woman brushes the purple waves of hair from her face, adjusting her hood and cloak to better see her quarry. Whimpering on the ground he remains, two cuts across each cheek- hands to the sky, and eyes closed. 'Eat it'- she holds out a silver signet ring illuminated in the dark by only the low lamp of the tent, and the man coughs with fatigue while the woman's frame straightens in cold contempt, 'No? Alright then, you've made clear your allegiances'. With that, a swoosh of silken malice carries our interrogator outside to where two cronies await orders, "Kill him, the ring is yours for scrap, I bid you goodnight." Morellia peers into the black of the night with an elegant cigarette in her hands- just lit on her way to the edge of camp. Screams pierce the night, cutting through her smoke trails while she watches them float into the murk hand in hand, 'Another pawn' she smiles, 'removed from the board'."   Morellia was born in rural Fellockshire, to parents of modest standing. Her childhood was usual, featuring a loving family of five: mother, father, and two older brothers: Oscar (Oldest) and Joshua (Middle Child). Each child was separated by four years in age, but nevertheless they all got on very well. Morellia grew a tough skin, and a swift wit- a characteristic that would save her in later life. Her oldest brother left home to find work further south, and in the five years following, his contact with the family wained. When Joshua came of age to work, he too set off south in search of work, and his brother. This left Morellia alone for six years as her mother argued with her to stay at home and help with the family affairs. Her father was adamant that she could leave if she wished, and so by the sixth year she was allowed to travel south to better prospects. Morellia found the journey enjoyable, but wasn't content with wandering, so made connections where she could with the barkeeps and inntenders of the Seriticum hills. Eventually, her charm and quick wit turned a profit and she caught the eye of a barkeep whose friendship with the Joiners (a large criminal guild in the area) saw Morellia put in touch with some powerful people. From there, she participated in low level operations in the towns: taking care of disputes and rackets with the use of word and blade.   She was abandoned by the guild after a robbery gone wrong, and she was expelled to avoid exposing the Order.   After escaping, she struck a deal with an evil warlock in the nearby ruins hidden in the hills.   After learning as much as she could, she killed the warlock after striking a deal with the twisted spirit of the hills Orakiki. In return for the power to kill those who abandoned her, she gave up her clean hands.   She then set about forming alliances with small-time criminals and businesspeople across Gwendor, using her gifts- both natural and magical- to coax unnatural allegiance out of even the most firm of opponents. This network culminated in a small syndicate of her own that connected a large amount of southern Gwendor comprised of a straggled network of petty thieves, crooked merchants and hired killers. Morellia had not forgotten the injustice she had suffered at the hands of the Joiners, and for almost a decade she set about intercepting and killing many messengers and couriers of the Order, before finally deciding to personally attempt an assassination.
"Morellia Livel story is one of a pioneering and sharp-tongued woman whose only worthy enemy is her own ambition."


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