
Rubbledon is one of the oldest districts in Lords Redoubt; its roots can be tracked back to the first clay diggers on the banks of the river. Nowadays, the district is filled to the brim with kilns and clay curing pits as it provides the city's pottery, repairs and mortar for the vast building projects that are regularly undertaken across the city. It is also affectionately known as 'Little Rubble Town' in reference to the quarries that north across the river from which all the clay comes. The area is primarily inhabited by Kilnkin, a people originating from the Marches. Amongst these people can be found a great number of dwarves, gnomes and halflings who all share an affinity for stone and clay work. As such, Rubbledon's name becomes self-evident as the characteristic dust clouds plume over its rooftops every morning. The source of these reddish brown clouds is the collection of kilns situated in amongst the squat houses and huts of the area, each pumping out the city's ceramics and bricks, as well as its heavy-duty metal products. As a result of the constant industrial activity of the district, Rubbledon has acquired a reputation for being a rather dusty and dirty part of town, and many of the upper classes don't venture into it. It's other nickname is "Tinker Town" as many of its inhabitants have lineage linking them to the gnome bands that once roamed the woods further north, but have since been all but wiped out. Some are proud of this lineage, with their squat stature being ideal for working in cramped conditions and cleaning kilns, while others tend to the lighter jobs of accounting and money changing, as all of these vocations require a sharp eye for detail and thoroughness. Both of these skills can be found in abundance amongst the short folk, but their stubbornness is likely to keep them from leaving wherever you found them. In respect to the gnomes that once lived to the north of Rubbledon, purebred gnomes of this kind have not been seen in decades, while mixed race couples are astonishingly common: after the expansion led by Girith II, many of the surviving gnomes willingly joined the labour force in hopes of rising the ranks and earning an honest living. From there they settled with those they found, leading to the stout tinker-kin we see today.
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