The Astraticus

"The Astraticus" is the umbrella term in describing the political administrative apparatus of the Gwendorian state. Its presence is mostly felt in Gwendor itself, but the decisions made by its branches dictate the laws of all of Gwendor. The Astraticus as an institution has a short, but complicated history in that it is a relatively new formal addition to the structure of Gwendor's government. Unofficially, many of its leading figures would trace its roots to the very first Cairn-councils of old which were held when humans first came to the West from the North. Others see the beginning as the battle-courts of Girith, where leaders and merchants all fought for the Lords ear in the war-tents of the Gwerrithon Wars. These interpretations show an oligarchical network of councils run on a currency of the Lord's trust and support. This framework is what laid the foundations for the formal Astraticus, but before its creation, these councils existed on purely a regional basis, and had little to do with each other.
  However, these rudimentary structures were not to last. As a the population of the Gwendorian Territories grew and grew with every new conquest, the need for a large, central governing body became so great that the Lordship officially formed the Astraticus by merging the existing councils and bolstering their ranks.
  Whatever your interpretation, the Astraticus is now the crowning jewel in the Gwendorian mantle of bureaucracy as it represents the interests of all those it can- boasting the most representative form of government in the known world. At the highest level of the hierarchy, politicians can have a say in the Lord's decrees, and garner his support for their own proposals. Others jostle below them for a position within lower chambers of debate and discourse where aspiring politicians come together in coalitions to influence the chambers above.



"A quill is as sharp as a sword"

"Let this be a testament to the power of common men in the face of high-born tyranny! A place in which to bring issues before those who can make change! Let us hope that our daggers stay firmly in our belts, and our quills prove as sharp as flourished blades!" - The first speech made before the Aprarchii by Kirrick Silver, the first coalition leader of the democratic era.
The Astraticus has grown in recent decades to the point that it can be split into two main bodies to communicate its main functions: the legislative, and the judicial. There is also a smaller body that performs as an internal legal executive, using a penal code to maintain consistency within the Astraticus and weed out corruption and exploitation.
Geopolitical, Co-rulership
The Astraticus is full of a variety of different walks of people. Some are career politicians, some are soldiers, others still are priestesses or peasants. Regardless of their station outside the Giritath, they are all afforded the same protection and honours under law. These honours are unique amongst Gwendorians as a member of the Astraticus carries with them the deterrant of the death penalty if their "soul is captured or held ransom".    "Soul Capture" is a specific category of offence that encompasses all offences that may effect public officials' judgement: extortion of a public offical, cohersion, ransom, blackmail, murder, assault, bewitchment and others. This collection of crimes was designed to more properly protect public officals from the dangers that beset rule-makers and powerful offices. Not only this, but a conviction of "Soul Capture" carries the death penalty in almost all cases, making a Astraticus member's accusation a powerful thing, honest or not.

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