The Faiths of the Folds

The peoples of the Northern Folds have worshipped the spirits of the region since settling in those parts. It is thought that good relations with spirits bring good luck, good harvest and a healthy life. There are some who dedicate more than throw-away prayers to such spirits: monks to whom the spiritual is as material as any other realm. There is a stronger reverence for the spiritual in the culture of these lands, and the scars of sectarian conflict still litter the landscape as ruins of churches and wayhouses punctuate the hills. The contemporary representitives of the region, House Arratheen, aptly encapsulate how past struggles have left the religious, social and cultural fabric of the Northern Folds frayed with distrust and in-fighting.   Nevertheless, there remain distinct forces at work in the provinces, and there is a feeling of hope as a tentative peace holds, and the Folds reenter affairs after a long struggle with itself. For many, the enduring institutions and indentities of the Orders found in the region provide stablity and pride in times of hardship: it is with their stones that a prosperous house can be built.
Religious, Organised Religion

Articles under The Faiths of the Folds


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