The Lopestead Stag

The Stag of Lopestead Stream was first seen on the road from Lopestead to Hightown on a stormy day. It’s sighting was reported and a hunt ensued for the strange creature, however little came of it and the sighting was dismissed as a mistake. That is, until brothers Geret and Bogo were boating down Lopestead Stream, and Bogo was thrown overboard by unexpected rapids. This resulted in Geret losing control of the small rowing boat and he too fell into the froth. After what he said seemed like hours, Bogo came to and found himself on the banks near the local wood with what remained of the boat next to him. He later found Geret laid further downstream: a lethal head wound seemed to be his undoing.   While grieving over his brother's body, Bogo caught sight of a blue shape moving in the trees as the rain started to pour down. The shape then came out of the trees and bowed its head- a stag standing nearly 8ft tall if Bogo is to be believed. He made such claims until his natural deathon the 20th anniversary of the incident.

In Art

The form of a Æthirial animal has facinated artists ever since such forms were discovered; the stag is no different, with many paintings and drawings being made of what it supposedly looks like. Many of these interpretations picture the Stag with great antlers twisting to the cloud-filled sky, as well as setting it a background of a body of water- a lake or river for example. As a result of the regional importance of the Stag, a few potters and artists of the Lopestead and Hightown area have made it their business to create as many depictions of the Stag as possible.
"The rain cloaks and unmasks, be careful where you tread"
The Stag itself has never been seen since Bogo's death, making its home in local folklore. Many would, however, gladly pay to see it found- its mystical elegance making it the ideal hunting mark for any prospector hoping for a blessing or gold.


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