The Mirthenworks

The Mirthenworks is a denomination that focuses on the importance of connection with nature and hollistic living. Unlike other Orders, the Mirthenworks instead lead a life of constant pilgrimage from one holy site to another, believing that settling is to give in to unholy comforts. As a result, there are no Mirthenwork monasteries, nor is there ever evidence of a Mirthenwork encampment once they move on. They travel often alone or in small groups as small as two or as large as twenty, though most commonly between one and four. Additionally, contempt for conventions of cleanliness and presentation leave Mirtheners muck-covered and unkempt, with many keeping small pets in their clothes for companionship. As such, they are often mistaken for vagabonds or beggars as they roam seemingly without destination, and without heed for the laws of any land they wander. In many ways, Mitheners represent a kind of radical environmentalist anarchism: they vandalise and rewild any infrastructure found outside city limits, they don't follow the roads of the realm- preferring animal trails or overgrown dirt paths, and they find kindness amongst animals more commonly than amongst any city-dweller.   This is not to say there are no physical or geographical points of importance in the Mirthenworks religion- the landscape is littered with their shrines and trees marked with their sigils. These features combine to make a network of pilgrimage destinations that are visited all year round by Mirtheners who busy themselves protecting the wildlife and flora that surrounds each site. Most locations are deliberately hidden from or out of the way of everyday observation, with the druidic language, various symbols and runes being used to direct knowing travellers off the beaten path towards woodland sanctuaries and hillside shrines alike. Crucially, the philosphy is to treat every relgious site as a waypoint for which a follower takes temporary responsibility for, but to never settle, and stay in constant motion much like the elements.   Mirtheners have a close relationship with many woodland spirits, and the sprites and nymphs of the untamed regions often protect Mirtheners. Consequently, there is little about the spiritual world that surprises Mirtheners, though few will ever see a fully fledged spirit, instead dealing with small sprites and faeries. Not only this, but the Mirthenworks boasts a high proportion of magic users than any other Order, with many of its members masterning basic enchantment and illusion in their quest to understand the natural world, and hide from the forces that threaten it.   Geographically, the Mirthenworks is widespread across the whole Lordship, and many would argue beyond. This, combined with its lax attitude to authority, leads to a very decentralised system with no proper or official leadership beyond local councils. These councils often comprise of the most experienced members of the group, and provide advice to newer members while also loosely guiding other members towards any shrines that may require maintainence. However, none of these clusters hold any official authority over any other members, and the egalitarian traditions of the Order keep power from being centralised. The darker side of this fact is that the Mirthenworks is extremely fractured. Having no structure or heirarchy with which to maintain order or unified practice, it operates in reality less as a functioning sect, and more as a vague label given to non-conformist druid types rejected by society. Nevertheless, there are prospering Mirthenwork communities across Gwendor, all of whom accept any and everyone.
Religious, Druidic Circle


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