The Spirit Drakes of Many Faces

"Wild and feral salt winds tear across the faces of the downtrodden crew of the last ship of the fishing season as it battles to make harbour for the week. Laden and bulging, the boat is only a fraction of its usual readiness, and it's in this state that the howling drakes find it: defenceless. Torn in life- torn in death they remain, only to be brought under the wings of the terrors that wrought havoc on them."  
The creatures that lurk below the waves of the Sea of Many Faces are so infamous amongst those who travel it and live on its coastlines that they are the Sea's namesake. The exact nature of these creatures is yet to be discovered, but what is known has proven enough to stunt any future curiosity. Sailors recount draconic spirits that take flight as easily as they swim, each made from the screaming faces of tormented lost souls taken by the sea. Many boats have been set upon by whole swarms swooping from on high and surging from beneath. It seems that they are most common in riotous weather, apparently embodying the rage of the storm, but they have been spotted travelling beneath the waves on numerous occasions where they have simply travelled past boats without trouble. As such, many have resorted to avoiding storms, especially at night. It is therefore uncommon to find many long-haul travelling boats crossing those waters as fear of the spirits keeps many crews from straying far from where land can be seen. 
"While the wind may whip your body, better that than what would whip your soul below the waves" - A local saying warning against going out in rough weather for fear of finding worse horrors.


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