Thromnlir Copperbrow, Rockhünn

"Copperbrow was once a great name, but the strange doings of one can undo the valour of many." - Alüskian Saga, Chapter XXXI, Verse IV
Thromnlir was an unorthodox individual to say the very least. Having come to power through a chain of unfortunate events that laid any other successor either dead or unfit to rule, the Copperbrow Clan turned to Thromnlir for leadership. Many of the time lamented for the lack of a martial leader in a time of strife.
"If it were not for the musings of one misfit, such discoveries would not have been made." - excerpt from 'Dungeons and Jewels', a subterrean exploration publication circulated in many bookshops across Gwendor. 
Thromnlir gained his moniker of Rockhünn (translated as Rock Friend, Companion of Stone, or Follower of Rock) from his near obessive affinity for all things stonework. His attention to detail, his flawless knowledge of geology and his steady hands were a perfect storm of assets that led to a one-person reinvention of whole professions. While the martial cliques of dwarven family politics and cultural militarism rejected his skills as superfluous, tinkers and tradespeople saw his art in its full glory. This pattern persists today as many dwarves still view Thromnlir as a useless idler whose dullardness almost led a whole clan to ruin. On the other hand, others view him as the father of modern masonary, and a founding interlect in the theory of jewelry and beauty. He is remains a large subject of study in tinkering and philosophy alike.


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