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Population: Approximately 1400; mostly humans.
  A large kobold band outside of town.
  A continuous flow of travelers, merchants, and nobles tend to pass through town as it is considered a quite safe area.
    Government: Clearwood is governed by a council of elders, known as the Court of Rings.
  Traveling Noble's can sometimes pass through, but the village does not offer them any protection.
    Notable Places: Cave of Cultists: A dark cave outside of town with a Z on the outside, terrible things happened here.
  Kobold Camp: Features many cooking pots and cages.
  The Armory and General Store: A stout timber and brick building, there was a brick wall seperating the inside but recently destroyed.
  Ritual Site: Through the woods where people sleepwalk at night.
    A few NPCs: Bil, Gil, Bil Sr. and Dill, a family of mercenaries, Bil and Gil were once hired bandits but are not friends of Belladonna.
  Daniel the travelling salesman (Revealed to be a devil)
  Sir Anthohn the corrupts scamming nobleman
  Withelm the red haired smith.
  Alfrin his drunken son.
  Sige the general store owner.


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