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Session 1: The Cave of Cultists

General Summary

Woke up in a chained in a dark cave, Angus destroyed chains and found which direction was north. Party found the key to the door and opened it. Party entered room of cultists and blink dogs, cultists flipped table and fought to the death. Loose bricks in the wall destroyed by party, revealing themselves to a room of dredge's led by a darkling. Party chops down tree sized mushrooms and defeats the enemies. Remy controls a dredge by it's hair. Belladonna refuses to enter combat. Bounce loves his mage hand and it comes to life. Party sneaks into room of a cultist ritual creating an animated armor, animated armor is filled with water and controlled by Belladonna, enemies are defeated.   Party Levels to 2
Report Date
16 Feb 2024


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