The Coven of Crones ---sc24

The Oracles

A faction of an organization built around belief
      "The Alchemist must die. That's their sacred advice to you? You know that's stupid advice, right? Right, Haava? Right?"   "No, it's perfect advice." Haavalina Jade said almost dreamily. Yes, she'd just been standing next to the cauldron, but she wasn't as high as she was deep in thought, which, for Haava, could be just as bad.   "As perfect as their last bit of advice?" her cousin Seitaphina said more than asked.   "That's not fair. Everything they said needed to happen and--"   "Oh my god! You're still falling for this? You know who they are!" Seita snapped and raised her voice. "You know their motivations!" Seita glared at her stupid dumb cousin because she was so very very VERY stupid and dumb!   How could Haava not see the perils of following the Coven's advice. "You won't take advice from them in a normal circumstance," she bit out, "In fact you hung up on one just the other day. Didn't you? But put them in ceremonial robes and stand them next to the cauldron and suddenly--"   "Ok listen!" Haava grabbed Seita's forearm. "I know you don't like any of this. Noted! Ok! BUT, if any of this is going to end, he MUST die. And I'm the only one who can kill him."   "They are trying to clean up THEIR mistakes. This is not about you."   Haava sighed with soul deep tired and doneness. "Seita, I love you. I respect that you hate what I am going to do. However, I am still doing it, with or without you."   With that Haava turned and walked away.   Seita sat on the uncomfortable wooden bench in the High Temple and closed her eyes. She didn't need this, and she certainly didn't need the drama that "this" would certainly bring. God, she hated family.   Sadly, she'd known this day would come. There was only one person who could help her her help Haava. After a brief inner battle Seita walked out of the temple (better reception outside) and called him.   "Well, well, well," he picked up after the third ring. "This is a surprise."   Not in the mood for chit-chat, Seita got right to the point, "she went to the oracles again."   "Son of a bitch!"   "They have convinced her to kill the Alchemist."   "That's mental."   "Yes, it is. She's committed to doing it."   "Typical," he sighed. "Ok, well, thanks for letting me know. I'll ah, I'll...jesus...I'll figure it out and get back to you." Seita closed her phone and her eyes and cursed the Coven of Crones, her cousin, and most especially herself, because she'd just joined forces with her ex-boyfriend to help her cousin kill the Alchmist to cover a crime committed by the Coven.

Public Agenda

We, the Oracles, are here to help you live your best life by providing direct communication with the infinite. Ask us your questions and we will channel the gods. Know you are loved. Know you are seen. Know we are here to hear your questions and your prayers and recieve your answers from the gods. It is with blessings and love that we serve you.


Control over a large rock fissure leaking natural gases into a beautiful grotto filled with healing, hot water mineral springs.


"We told her to kill the Alchemist. Are we insane?"   "It is the only way for this to work!"   "It's insane!"   Grumbling and muttering and outright arguments errupted in the grotto. Again.   "Listen, everyone. Listen! We have one chance and only one chance to make this work!" The head oracle looked each and every coven member in the eyes. "We all know we are out of time. We're lucky she just walked in here and confessed what she confessed."   "We're responsible for that too!"   "Exactly! This is the ONLY way to make it right," she insisted. "We're going to use this imformation to fix it. I don't like it any more than you do, but the Alchemist must die. It is the only way." She took a deep breath and let it out in a whoosh. "In two weeks time the Alchemist will be dead and we will retain control of the council."
Religious, Coven
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