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The Company of Free Swords

If one needs a war won, a powerful monster removed, or a dirty job completed, the Company of Free Swords is the top mercenary group to call—assuming you have the coin. Despite the name, the company’s services are far from free.   An ancient and elite mercenary company, the Free Swords have tipped the scales of war for many a nation. It has the distinction of slaying a demon lord, and considers defeating a dragon a slow business day. The company includes warriors, wizards, priests, druids, rogues, and spies among its ranks. It has a branch in nearly every corner of the continent.   The Free Swords began as a military unit in the now-defunct nation of Falaris. Serving a tyrant king, conscript soldiers fought endless wars against neighboring kingdoms. After receiving orders to raze a village of hapless peasants, one Commander Darion Harkin finally declared he had had enough. His entire unit deserted and formed their own organization. When the king tried to have Harkin killed, the commander turned the tables and assassinated him instead.   Harkin laid the foundations of the Company of Free Swords, proclaiming his organization one that prioritizes the welfare of the soldier, not the ruler. Harkin famously declared, “If we must deprive this world of fathers, brothers, and sons, and be killed as we do so, let it be for the highest coin, that we may die content.”   Despite their mercenary ethics, the Free Swords maintain a code of honor—stay loyal to the company, be honest in your dealings, and take vengeance on those who betray you or your comrades. They live simple lives free of excess, spending most of their time honing their fighting skills. Disciplined, loyal, and fearless, the company is ready for any war, confident in their success.   The Free Swords have spread across Etharis, taking on jobs from all who can afford their price. In a century they had become the largest such organization in the land. No king, merchant, or official would dare cross them or default in their pay. They know the Company of Free Swords will take its price, one way or another.

"Blood and Honor, Strength in Steel."

Military, Mercenary Group
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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