Advent Day

Advent Day is a Metatronic holiday celebrating the multifarious cultures of the Syndicate. It's held on 3-3-3, a date chosen to commemorate the 3 Sophont: The Verin, the Humans, and the Sazashi. This is also approximately close to the calendar date of First Contact.

I hear talk of counting glitches in Advent Day! Should we count every sewer mutant and mogger too, then? Aberrations and freaks aren't meant to be celebrated, they're meant to be either cured or killed.

— Eugenicist Pundit

Advent Day is a Syndicate holiday. The Federation treats it as a party holiday.

Because the Syndicate Calendar is relative to Victoriana, Advent day may land on unusual times in the colonies, leading to it to being more subdued there than in the hub worlds.

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Advent day is such a momentous affair that the traffic tends to overwhelm the larger cities. As a result, it is a holiday which for cities that the celebrations often pour into the surrounding days. It's a day for the cultures of the Syndicate to show off their traditions and share their history. Restaurants change their menues, venues are packed with parades, bands, dancers, reenactments, parties.

Famous Advent Days

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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