Amberchrys Elemental Boss Fight

As you squeeze past the collapsed mineshaft, the chamber sprawls out before you, lit by the the orange glow of the mine's flickering spotlights. The chamber is in evident shambles, partially-collapsed and sliding down into the slowly bubbling lake of Amberchrys below.

Scanning the room, you notice a massive shape rising in its center--a floating blob of amberchrys resin covered in a swirling glaze of liquid that drips off of it with all the appearance of a jellyfish.

Judging by the thick layers of amber resin splashed over the room, and over the corpses of the unfortunate miners, the jellyfish is dangerous.


— The Narrator

Location → Jhoutai → KaTai → Yak'koli → Collapsed Chamber

Vantage: Interact with a Vantage to reveal another part of the map without visiting it.

Investigation: Some smarts might give you some helpful information when investigating this.

Grave: Someone died here.

How to Play

You begin at the star at X:7 Y:21, your goal is to reach X:57 Y:2 alive. There are many obstacles in your path attempting to prevent that. What path you take through the room will determine your success.

Each Round:

Each Round, you control your characters actions. You may freely move equal to your LBS, or make an Agility check to move a number of spaces each round. You cannot click any icons a greater distance away than your Acuity.

At the end of each Round, refer to the below table to determine the actions of the Amberchrys Golem.

There are other enemies throughout the room. When you encounter them, you will also account for their actions according to instructions provided at the time. Turn order is determined by RFX, from lowest to highest, with PCs winning a tie.

Roll Outcome

The Elemental moves directly towards the closest character. If it is directly over them, they must make an Agility check of 7 to dodge the downpour of Molten Amberchrys.

Raise the Amberchrys level by 1. Any exposed area at that level is now under molten Amberchrys.
The Amberchrys already in the room wells up and pops, around any drainholes, splashing nearby with a hot geyser of Amberchrys. Lower the Amberchrys level by 1.
A Quake rumbles through the chamber, as if the coral itself was angry. Movement checks are 1 point harder this round.
Above your head you hear the crumbling crack of something breaking above you. You must use pass an agility, vault, or evasion check of 3 or take a wound.
A sulfuric scent bores into your brain through your nose, the stench almost making you gag. It's a smell you can't escape, and even through your protection your eyes water. Perception is lowered by 1 this round.
For the next round, the entire chamber rains hot molten Amberchrys, and anyone out of cover is splashed by it. Raise the Amberchrys level by 1.
If it is close to a player, the Elemental hurls its weight down against the nearest cover with a player in it, flattening any structures down to their lowest level and dealing 70 damage to anything within.


Don't go past this point until prompted by the Map. You may spoil your experience.

1 • Entryway

1-1 • Investigate the Body

The miner's mangled body—charred dark under a thick, semi-translucent casing of hardened Amberchrys resin—leans against the wall. A glint of something clutched in their hand catches your interest—a metallic protrusion.

With some good tugs it might be able to be freed from it's previous owner, though it doesn't appear to be in very good condition.

You must have an UBS of 2 and pass a Grapple check of 5 to free the object.


Your hand digs into the ashen crust of the miner's charred hands as you attempt to pry the sinew and bone from his grip...

On a Success...

You pull the device free to realize that it's a Kinesis Bulwark with 3 points of wear on it. It needs repairs, but can be salvaged.

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On a Failure

Whatever the object is, it's broken now. As you tugged at it, something cracks, and it all comes apart. Gain 1 Mecha Material.

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1-2 • Drop down From The Ledge

The coral here has cracked along a fault and has formed a deep crevice and a long drop.

Getting down means taking a leap and potentially jolting your legs on the uphill slope of hardened amberchrys resin below.


You must pass a Vault check of 6.


You sit down on the ledge, brace your feet against the wall.

On a Success...

You push off of the edge and fall. Enable the Vantage: 6 - Shrunken Shrine Pin Group in the upper right of the map, if you have not already done so.

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On a Failure

The good news is that you reached the bottom. The bad news is that your legs did not hit right. You take three damage to your leg. Enable the Vantage: 6 - Shrunken Shrine Pin Group in the upper right of the map, if you have not already done so.

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1-3 • Climb the Fractured Coral

Spiraling up around the side of this steep slope is a broken ledge—a plate broken vertically in half with a gap between the halves. It looks a bit like a smile, with triangular teeth forming a stairway up to the top.

Looks troublesome to climb, but with sure footing you can do it.

The path is 8-spaces long and requires Agility to pass. To move up this area is a difficulty of 3 per space. Once you have played your card, roll from the below table to see if any surprises await your attempt.

1-10Nothing Surprising Happens
12-13Amber resin underfoot crackles and slides, making one of your steps extra tricky. Add 2 difficulty to the whole check. Undo any progress this turn on a failure as you backslide.
14-15Something bad. Add 3 difficulty to the whole check.
16-19The ground breaks away and your foot jams down into the teeth of the passage. Add 4 difficulty to the whole check.
20A large chunk of the structure breaks, increasing the difficulty per space by 2. If you fail, you fall down the slope, taking X damage and ending up at X:18 Y:24.
On a Success...

You end up at X:17 y:11. Enable the Vantage: 3 - Ledge Pin Group in the upper right of the map, if you have not already done so.

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On a Failure

Your steps are not cautious enough, you begin to make your trek up, only to feel the amberchrys below you snap and shatter like thin ice. You don't make any progres, and stay at your postition.

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2 • Overlook

2-1 • Drop Down

The amber slope to the entrance would be much easier to go down than climb up. Though being too careless going down the steep slope might lead to hurting your legs.


The path is 2-spaces long, and requires climb to get down. To move down is a difficulty of 2 per space.

On a Success...

You plant your boots firmly on the bottom of the slope, but there is no time to celebrate. Move to X:9 Y: 23

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On a Failure

Your boots crack against the amberchrys slope, but fail to stop your descent. The grinding force of the Amberchrys below you keeps you from falling back, but it deals one damage to your torso. Move to X:9 Y: 23

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2-2 • Investigate the Corpse

A Sazashi's dead body rests between the growing corralum and the amberchrys mounds. It looks like they were killed by the golem, their face seperating from their skull.

It's a gruesome sight, but you do see a satchel of impact gel flares on the corpses hip.


You can loot the impact gel flares, they would no doubt protect you from a fall. If you decide to take them, roll from the below table to see the outcome.

1-10You pull the strap from the corpse, looting two impact gel flares.
11-15You tug at the satchel and hear a sickening crunch as the decomposed body snaps in two. You get the bag, but the disgusting sound and sight churns your stomach. Take 1 Sanity Damage, take two impact gel flares.
15-20You reach for the bag and give a soft tug. What you did not expect was the body to tug back. The corpses skeletal hand grabs your wrist, and holds steady. The lifeless face stares back at you. Escape with a rend check of 2, else you can wrench yourself free next turn.
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2-3 • Climb the Steep Slope

It's a steep ledge with precarious handholds. If you want to get up there, get climbing.

The path is 6-spaces long and requires Climb to pass. To move up this area is a check of 3 per space.

On a Success...

You move to X:3 y:10. Enable the Vantage: 3 - Ledge Pin Group in the upper right of the map, if you have not already done so.

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On a Failure


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Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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