Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)


Body Doubles

There's a lot of conspiracies to be told about me, but this one is my favorite. It's that I am a clone. This is a lie, of course! I simplu was born different and have lived for over a thousand years unblemished in the same perfect body with no unfortunate life-ending accidents to break my fragile coil.

Of course I'm a clone. There's a thousand of me spread throughout the Federation, and another thousand waiting in cryo. You think I'm going to take the power I have and live as long as I have without a few backups to keep me around? You're a fool if that's the case, and a fool if you think that all your masters haven't done the same. At least I'm honest about it, about my motivations.

Aren't you tired of listening to liars? They are all clones.

Artosen's charlatanry is a distraction meant to excuse his behavior by playing into filial fears of your leadership—an implication that we are all abusive parents lying to you. We know this to be a lie when you apply cold reasoning to the matter — Sophontic Cloning is impossible, and all of his insistence otherwise are demonstrably false.

Focus your attention on his admission rather than his conjectred lies. In calling himself a clone he admits his intentions to create clones — a threat of existential proportions for the entire Federation.

Artosen II by MidJourney

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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Jul 14, 2024 22:05 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

*narrows eyes* I don't know who to believe.

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