Cathartic Vernacular

Cathartic Vernacular is the obscure interpersonal vernacular used among Cathartic poets and singers, who have developed terms for self-expression and emotions which don't exist in broader language. Those who take the time to become literate in their vernacular report a greater arsenal of language to use for social reflection and analysis.

This Vernacular is named for the Cathartics — the followers of the Neon Gods, who were were so inspired by Anthem's command of language

Due to the relationship between the Cathartics and the prevailing powers and sentiments of the Andromeda Syndicate, which would rather not address the rumors of Sophontic androids within their workforce, most of the terms Cathartics use are not recognized by any formal dictionary, and are presented as vulgar insults to language by academia.

Within the ValuSelu Pact, which has a more accepting view of Sophontic machines, Cathartic Vernacular is more widely understood and celebrated as the language of poets.


The realization after healing that in your pain you created that same pain in others. A painful recognition of


Recognizing old evils even when they adopt new names — seeing something not just for what it is,but for everything it ever has been


At peace and in harmony with your surroundings, named for Anthem's Thrum

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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Jul 14, 2024 22:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Frictalsmir is a mood. Ugh. Great idea for a language.

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