Claimers Ethnicity in Ethnis | World Anvil


The Claimers are a fun bunch. A bit crazy, but that comes normal for anyone who can stake themselves out in a party town in the middle of the Magma Fields.

You can't be a Claimer out there without putting a bit of yourself into the igneous soil. Might be blood. Maybe sweat, vomit, or some other bodily fluid that you don't wanna talk about.

A Claimer is the term for anyone who lives within the Digger's Claim region on the planet Perduro.

The stereotype of a Claimer is to work with passion and party with even more. It's an extreme swing between hyper focusing on their industries, and then absolutely losing themselves at night in the benders and orgies that rock Digger's Claim.

Claimers are well known for working with Perdurite, for which their city is founded upon. Some are miners, some are processors, and most others are entertainers. Many will wear their favorite finds of Perdurite as jewelery and piercings.

Some Mantras of the Claimer's include: "If you have worked yourself to the bone, fill yourself back up with a party."

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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