Kendal's Scripture Language in Ethnis | World Anvil

Kendal's Scripture

Kendal's Scripture is the 'documentation' of the ships inner workings made by the Monolith Chea engineer who only went by the name of "Kendal."

The scrawlings within Kendal's Scripture are highly debated in the Banner Era, with Bermudians getting physical over disagreements of how the documentation should be interpreted.

You wanna read the scripture, huh? Good luck.

I swear it's like if someone documented a Programming language in drunken Shakespearan— half of the time you aren't sure if Kendal's telling how to make a cup of tea or how repair a meissner engine.

And I've seen a man airlocked cause of that.

Technical Documentation (?)

Kendal's Scripture comes from the notebook of the famed Chea engineer Kendal, who is responsible for cobbling together the oldest areas of the Junkberg Bermuda. These notes were his documentation and service logs, giving instruction on how he maintained and built the major infrastructure of the Bermuda.

Chea Scrawlings

The biggest issue with Kendal's 'scripture' is that it is written in a mix of Ubiq and an ancient Chea'n subdialect of Verin language. The slang is potentially dating back hundreds if not a thousand years, and it leads to confusion for most of the Sazashi and Human mechanics aboard.

Agree to Disagree

With such a hard to understand document, many scrappers or maintenance workers can get into arguments over how the knowledge within should be translated. This has lead to physical altercation between parties, over something as menial as repairing a coffee machine.

The Can-Do Rumor

A prevailing belief aboard the ship was that Mother Curie, the onboard AI, speaks in the same language used to write Kendal's scripture. This also led to the belief that the Can-dos can understand and translate the Scripture as they are well connected to Mother Curie. Whether or not this is true, is still a mystery.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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