Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)


Mobile-Friendly Changes

This begins as a todo-list from the Summercamp homework and will gradually transform into a set of code-snippets on how to make your world mobile friendly.

If anything would ease your explorations of Ethnis, please comment.


  • Fix my nav-bar on mobile
  • I doubt my tooltipster is very friendly on mobile, let's fix that
  • Turn the navigator into a full-screen popup when clicked on mobile
  • Restyle the Carousel (EXAMPLE)


  • 6-11: Make my tables mobile responsive
  • 6-11: Restyled .world-editor-link
  • 6-12: Move the contents of .whitelabel to the global footer on mobile
  • 6-14: Improved the padding of covers and article titles on mobile and desktop
  • 6-14: Breadcrumbs are small on mobile now

Articles under Mobile-Friendly Changes


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