Guess what! There's a book now! — (MxM, Thriller, Erotic)


Morgan's Crew

A crew of Fishers centered out of Sausalito. Like most Fishers, they are the societal outcasts of society — minorities of all stripes scraping out a life of salvage and partying, as there's little else to spend their money on and little motivation to try and escape their lot.

This tight-knit crew is one of Malcolm's favorite times on Earth. The work is hard, dnagerous, and often disgusting, but if brings her closer to Humanity and its history, while also building her anger towards Aempis as she realizes what was lost and how great humanity

The crew lives on a small fishing vessel, crammed together in tight quarters to sleep and often with sex and conversation happening in the background. Nobody really has privacy, but its a closer group than anyone she's been a part of. She misses anre worried about her mom a lot during this time, which gives her the drive to chase wealth in order to help her out, and eventually fuels the anger which leades her to the hack

The black transmasc man who owns the ship and is its captain. He is liberated and friendly, and helps Malcolm to awaken to what she is through acceptance.
An ireheart daredevil who escaped the east
Another data archaeologist who learns how to code alongside Morgan as they build their hack computer together.

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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