Pact Bath Houses

In order to centralize their water sources and provide a common sanitation standard, Yak'koli's population relies on an evergreen industry of state and civilian bathhouses. The state bathhouses are free, open to all, and rigorously maintained,  


- Social History - Historic Districts - Ancient Onsens - Commune Houses (Everyone pays into it)   Public vs. Private   Various Rules - Nudity - Smoking (Meyfar is particularly industrious in its invasion of the Bathhouses ) - Alcohol (Usually only at coldwater houses)
Pride or Shame

- Owning a reputable and prosperous bathhouse is seen as a sign of success within culture

- Some regard nudity bathhouses with suspicion, due to the legality and prevalence of prostitution within them.

- State Bathhouses are stinkier. This is mostly because their waitlists sometimes mean longer times between


- If a house allows nudity, it does not allow minors.

- If a house allows prostitution, it does not allow minors.

- Bath houses must list how recent a bill of health they require of their customers.


Spa Treatments

(Many also have some other weird store or gimmick)
Sand Bath

Some are magical, some are mechanical. Different bathhouses advertise different grits and compositions. Typically visited by Sazashi with more voluminous or coarse fur, such as Parisan, Kajh, Khirmagne, and sometimes the Shejlt.

Spa Treatment
Slog Treatments
Sauna and Pools
Typically catering to Yak'koli's small Nasyk population (who originally popularized it), but also widely enjoyed by Verin, Humans, and Sazashi with short fur
Meyfar Lounge


- Stalls: For privacy. - Reserved Times: Some people will lounge around and if someone's reserve is late there's a chance they can take the remaining time  

The Apple of Hedon

Cover image: The Wheel before the Wayhall


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