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Pelagic Mummification

A pelagic funeral entails lowering an embalmed cadaver into the open (valve) of a [clam] and left until it has been encysted within a pearlescent mother nacre. A cradle of coral stone is then carved to complete the sarcophagus, which is moved to a mausoleum.

The creation of a pearl sarcophagus is an involved one which requires many steps of production and a high amount of expertise. For one, the clams are tempermental and difficult to raise, but for the sake of rituals, monks maintain them within the ecosystems around their abbeys.

The process takes about 6 months t a year

Sarcophagi Level

Heroic Burial

Lower Pantheon Burial

Lower Pantheon Sepulchre's tend to follow the traditions of the Vadakendanic Procession, and are great ediface statues which face towards the Verran homeland.

Upper Pantheon Burial

As is to be expected, a burial for a great god is one deserving of an entire temple unto itself.



  • This is a religious rite, not a commercial service. Monk craftsmen maintain the creatures, tools, and materials needed for this rite.
When the Giant Clam opens again, the body will remain, covered in pearl.

Famous Mummifications

Debuk'kwah's sarcophogaus was made using this method, a gift from the Pelagics who revered him for the connections he forged between their tribes and the arboreal tribes of the nege.

Cover image: Pearl Sarcophagus by Hiive


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