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Rutas Bioplastic

Rutas Bioplastic is a naturally produced polymer generated by many a family of Rutas on Jhoutai, including Cloudskipper Kites and Filament Spider. It is a common adaptation within the Ecosystems of Jhoutai, as it is a methane-rich ecosystem.

Most Rutas produce their bioplastic through a pair of nozzles on their thorax. Each nozzle produces a different compound that, when combined with the rest, creates the plastic. From there, the Rutas may have other adaptations to help shape the filament.

It is used heavily in the consumer market for the storage of materials.

Solvent Glands
Secondary glands which allow the
Methane Lung
Some Rutas gather their methane by going deep into the coral to respirate it from pockets in the corralum's many bends. As they respirate it, they separate the methane from the oxygen and store it in their methane lung, which gradually processes it into their nozzles.


Rutas bioplastic is green in nature, though takes a much lighter appearance on the consumer market due to the addition of other resins and starchy compounds to adjust the biodegradability or reliability of the material.


Jhoutaioans have domesticated many breeds of Rutas for the creation of service plastics. Unfortunately, these plastics do not come without many of the same issues of single-use plastics, but after seeing the results of plastic on Earth, most of the eastern Jhoutioan nations modified their usage of rutas bioplastics to be more forward thinking.

Cover image: Filament Palaces by MidJourney


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